Where is the woman in the picture? Can you find her?
In the picture we see a man – a hunter. Yes, autumn has come and the county authorities have allowed the hunting season to open. Uncle Misha and his dog, Marik, went to the edge of the county to the forest belt. They plan to get at least some game, and at best – to kill a wild boar.
But, having already walked several kilometers, Uncle Misha noticed that someone had followed them. And of course, it was the hunter’s wife – Stepanida. By the way, she is in the picture.
And now some statistics from our team. Of the 20 participants surveyed:
– 7 people solved the puzzle and were able to show where the lady is in this picture. Such a result, of course, is not a good indicator;
— the rest, 13 participants of our puzzle in the office, could not find the lady, believing that the artist had deceived them and there was no woman in the picture.