Toothbrush Clean – LoreVista Make Your Day Thu, 02 Dec 2021 18:48:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Toothbrush Clean – LoreVista 32 32 231211893 Top Tips to Sanitize and Disinfect A Toothbrush That Everyone Should Follow Thu, 02 Dec 2021 18:48:53 +0000 Think you already know how to clean your toothbrush? But, in fact, there’s a little more to it than rinsing the bristles. A toothbrush is something we all use every day and considering it goes in our mouth, cleanliness is paramount.

That’s why when you notice bacteria building up or the bristles starting to smell, which will happen to even the best electric toothbrushes, it’s important that you take the time out to clean and disinfect it. It’s not very difficult or time-consuming to do this, and it takes just a few household products. Here’s how to clean a toothbrush the right way.

How to clean a toothbrush — Everyday cleaning


  • Antibacterial mouthwash OR
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Dish soap (optional)
  • Sponge (optional)

1. Rinse the bristles after brushing your teeth

As soon as you’ve finished brushing your teeth, rinse the bristles for 10-15 seconds under warm running water until there’s no toothpaste residue remaining. If you have an electric toothbrush, remove the head and rinse the inside of the brush head as well by holding it vertically and facing downwards in the running water. Rinse the tip of your handle as well.

2. Remove excess water from your toothbrush

Gently tap the toothbrush to remove excess water.

3. Wipe the handle

Wipe the handle clean after each use, especially if you notice toothpaste has trailed down.

4. Store the toothbrush in an upright position so it can air dry.

Do not cover the bristles when storing. If you have an electric toothbrush, store the removed head separately from the handle so both can air-dry effectively.

If you store your toothbrush in a holder, make sure the holder is cleaned regularly. Some of these can go in the dishwasher, but if not, use warm soapy water.

How to disinfect a toothbrush

Step 1:

Pour out enough antibacterial mouthwash in a glass or container to submerge the bristles. If you don’t have mouthwash, you can also mix a solution of ½ cup of water with two tablespoons of white vinegar and one teaspoon of baking soda. Be prepared for it to fizz up for a few seconds, then mix it.

Step 2:

Soak your toothbrush in the mouthwash solution for 15 minutes (30 minutes for the vinegar solution). Don’t leave it any longer though as it can damage the bristles. If you’re using an electric toothbrush, do not soak the handle in the solution as it’s electrical and, again, this will damage it.

Step 3:

Once time is up, rinse the soaked toothbrush thoroughly under running warm water.

Step 4:

You should be able to wipe or scrub away any other residue on the toothbrush under warm, running water. You can use the abrasive side of the sponge for tough customers.

Step 5:

If you have an electric toothbrush and your handle needs a clean, use a damp microfiber cloth to wipe it clean. If there’s stubborn residue, you can also scrub it with warm soapy water and the abrasive side of a sponge prior to this, although check your manual in case it doesn’t recommend this.

Step 6:

Leave out to dry. Your toothbrush should now be spotless and looking like new again. If this method has failed to remove the bacteria, it’s time to replace your toothbrush.

How often should you clean your toothbrush?

Cleaning should be done each day after every use. You can sterilize and disinfect your toothbrush as often as you like, but once a week is a good practice. Remember, you should also replace your brush head, or manual toothbrush every three to four months.

Easiest Ways To Keep A Toothbrush Clean Thu, 25 Nov 2021 17:09:18 +0000 How often do you clean your toothbrush? Probably not as much as you should – right? I know I don’t really think too much about it except on those rare occasions when it just pops up in my mind as I brush.

Toothbrushes can so easily become contaminated with bacteria when it’s placed in your mouth – from your mouth, it soaks up viruses and bacteria that live for weeks.  That bacteria can play a huge part in your health.

The best way to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and keep your toothbrush at it’s best is to clean it weekly by washing it, and storing it properly. Below I’ve collected quite a few tips for how to clean a toothbrush to Keep A Toothbrush Clean.

Using a Toothbrush Properly

1.Wash your hands before and after handling your toothbrush. 

This might seem obvious, but it’s super easy to forget to wash up when you’re in a hurry, especially in the morning. To wash your hands thoroughly, wet your hands with water, then apply soap. Scrub your hands for 20 seconds before rinsing under a stream of water. Dry your hands on a clean towel.

Your hands can contain germs that might transfer to your toothbrush if you don’t wash them.

2.Rinse your toothbrush in running tap water after every use.

 After you finish brushing your teeth, put the head of your toothbrush under the running tap. Continue to rinse the brush until it looks clean. Then, place it in your toothbrush holder to dry.

You don’t need to use soap or mouthwash to clean your toothbrush. Just use water.

Don’t dry your toothbrush on a towel because the towel may contain germs. Air drying is the best option.

3. Shake your toothbrush dry after rinsing it.

A wet toothbrush is the perfect environment for bacterial growth. To help your bristles dry as fast as possible, vigorously shake your toothbrush after you rinse it. This will remove much of the excess water from the brush.

It’s okay if your toothbrush is still a bit damp after you shake it.

4. Don’t share toothbrushes because you might get sick.

When you share a toothbrush, you are also sharing bodily fluids and germs, which might lead to an infection. While the risk of getting sick is low, it’s best to play it safe. Get your own toothbrush and don’t share it with anyone.

Keep extra toothbrushes in your home in case someone needs to borrow one. That way you can provide them their own toothbrush instead of sharing yours.

Storing Your Toothbrush

1. Stand your toothbrush upright in an open container so it can air dry.

It’s important for air to circulate around your toothbrush so it dries quickly. Additionally, placing it upright helps drain away the excess water, toothpaste, and debris left on it after rinsing. Place your toothbrush in a holder or cup that keeps it upright.

Check out the scum on the bottom of your toothbrush holder. This is what flows away from your toothbrush.

2. Keep individual toothbrushes separate from each other.

It’s okay to store more than one toothbrush in the same holder, so don’t worry about getting each household member their own toothbrush cup. However, make sure the toothbrushes aren’t touching each other. If they do, bacteria and bodily fluids might transfer from one toothbrush to another.

If you’re using a holder made for toothbrushes, you probably won’t have to worry about this. Most toothbrush holders are designed to angle the toothbrushes away from each other.

3. Place your toothbrush holder away from your toilet.

When you flush your toilet, tiny water particles that contain germs, including fecal matter, spray into the air.Unfortunately, these particles may land on your toothbrush if it’s too close to the toilet. While the risk of getting sick from this is super low, you probably don’t want toilet germs on your toothbrush. Play it safe by keeping your toothbrush holder away from your toilet.[

It also helps to put the toilet seat cover down before you flush.

4. Clean your toothbrush holder once a week.

Bacteria that accumulates on the toothbrush holder can be transmitted to the brush, and then to your mouth. Wash your toothbrush holder with dish soap and warm water, then dry it with a clean towel. Alternatively, place your toothbrush holder in the dishwasher if it’s dishwasher safe.

Remove the lid if your toothbrush holder has one.

If your toothbrush holder is installed on the wall, wipe it down with a disinfectant cloth. Follow the directions on the disinfectant container to make sure you leave the solution on the toothbrush holder long enough to sanitize it. Then, wipe the holder clean with a wet cloth and dry it with a clean cloth before putting your toothbrush back in it.

5. Do not store your toothbrush in a closed container at home.

You might want to put your toothbrush in a closed container to protect it, but this is a bad idea. 

It’s okay to put your toothbrush in a protective case for travel. However, wash the case with soap and warm water once you return home. Then, dry it with a clean cloth.

Sanitizing and Replacing Your Toothbrush

1. Soak your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide or mouthwash to clean it (optional).

While there’s no evidence that soaking your toothbrush will keep it cleaner, the ADA says some soaking methods are effective at killing bacteria in your bristles. Use either 3% hydrogen peroxide or mouthwash as a sanitizing soak. Pour the product into a clean cup, then insert your toothbrush with the bristles facing down. Soak the toothbrush for about 20 minutes.

There’s really no reason to soak your toothbrush, and the CDC warns you might accidentally spread germs while soaking a toothbrush. Always change out the hydrogen peroxide or mouthwash after every soak, and don’t soak more than 1 toothbrush in the same solution.

2. Replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months or earlier if it’s worn out.

Your toothbrush won’t be as effective at cleaning your teeth if the bristles are worn. However, you likely don’t need to worry about extra germs on an old toothbrush. Keep track of how long you’ve been using your toothbrush, or create a habit of changing your toothbrush at the start of the month every 3 to 4 months.

If you have an electric toothbrush, you just need to replace the head.

3. Switch to a new toothbrush after recovering from an illness.

When you’re sick, germs can linger in your bristles. Additionally, they might spread to other surfaces your toothbrush touches. To be on the safe side, get a new toothbrush when you start feeling better.

For instance, get a new toothbrush immediately after recovering from a cold or the flu.
