It’s time to start thinking about what kind of Earth the next generations will end up living on. If you’re ready to go green, we can help you by showing 15 “living green” habits that you can adopt one at a time.
Ditch using plastic bags when going food shopping. Instead, opt for a fabric tote bag or string bag. Even celebrities like Anne Hathaway choose not to pollute Earth with plastic bags.
It’s even better if you choose to shop at “zero waste” grocery shops and farmers’ markets. Remember to bring your totes, glass containers, and paper bags for the produce you purchase.
One of the easiest ways not to waste food is to make a weekly meal plan. Thus, you can buy the exact amount of food you need, and none will go into the trash.
Buying seasonal vegetables and fruits will also be an act of sustainable consciousness. Just imagine how much energy and water is wasted when you eat strawberries in winter or kale in summer.
The fashion world is also slowly turning to sustainable development. Choose brands that have green initiatives. Bring back some of your clothes to the shops — you will be doing our planet a big favor by not dumping that acrylic sweater you wore last winter.
One disposable diaper takes up to 500 million years to decompose. That’s scary, isn’t it? And now imagine how many diapers are dumped into landfills each year. The same applies to sanitary pads for women. Switch to reusable diapers and menstrual cups. It might seem a bit inconvenient at the beginning, but, with time, you will thank us for this tip.
Wearing fabrics that have zero impact on the environment may be another sustainable choice of yours. For example, a leather-like pineapple fabric is becoming a favorite amongst designers.
Noting down things on a piece of paper is definitely last century. Why waste paper if all you need to do is install an app on your phone that will store all your information and even notify you if you need to go food shopping?
Avoid using cars and planes. Instead, go for bikes and public transport such as the subway or trams. This will make your carbon footprint much smaller compared to other people. You can calculate yours online and compare it to the average carbon footprint for one person.
Using or not using cosmetics and commercial washing detergents is your choice. But if you go for all-natural ones, you will be winning. Not only will your skin be happy about it, but the environmental impact will also be less aggressive.
By showering instead of taking a bath, you will save more water a year than you could imagine. Moreover, before taking a shower, put a bucket under your showerhead, and switch it on. Once the water is warm enough for you, set the bucket aside. Take your shower, and then use the water in the bucket to refill your toilet’s water tank. Voila! You just saved even more water!
Plastic cups are still widely used for coffee takeouts. Invest in a good thermal cup, and ask the baristas to fill it with your morning caffeine treat. They will be happy to do it for you.
You might be surprised to learn that people in other countries have been reusing plastic food containers for storing pasta, grains, and sweets for many years.
Not only will you have your own herbs, fruits, and vegetables, but the air in your home will become cleaner.
This might seem like a yucky thing to do, but once you set up a composting container, you will see how much good it does. You can use that compost to feed your weeds or even spread it on the lawn next to your house.
]]>A cool and easy DIY idea. You’ll never find your phone on the floor again.
Turn your old plastic bottles into useful and sturdy no-sew zipper cases that will help you organize your life, for almost no cost at all. You can use them to store all sorts of art and craft supplies. This is also an awesome back-to-school craft idea for kids. To make one, cut the plastic bottle, glue a zipper to it, customize the decorations and you’re done.
Say “no” to impossible knots. Use plastic bottles to seal your plastic bags.
This double-bottom sponge holder keeps a sponge dry and fresh. Any water left in the sponge will leak through the holes in the upper part. It takes just a few minutes to make your own holder.
The best way to organize your kid’s pens and pencils! You need only a couple of minutes to make it.
If you want to keep your outdoor plants happy but don’t have a sprinkler to water them, all you need to do is poke holes in a 2 litre plastic soft drink bottle, insert the hose into the bottle and wrap some tape to fix the hose to the opening of the bottle. Turn on the tap and the homemade sprinkler is ready to go. Learn how to make a DIY sprinkler to water your garden here.
A creative flowerpot will brighten up your home. Make your own in less than 10 minutes.
A mini greenhouse will protect young plants from cold and drought. Do you want to know how?
Not only does this simple project recycle a plastic bottle and make an adorable piggy bank, it also encourages kids to start saving and recycling from a young age. Just cut the bottle appropriately and then have fun creating these super cute designs that will look great on your shelves too. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be a pig; be creative and make all sorts of little animals!
When your regular garden sprinkler is broken, a plastic bottle is the best way to solve the problem.
A helpful way to use plastic bottles is to extend a faucet so you can reach the water without splashing it all over the sink. Another way to recycle these bottles is without much more than scissors and creativity.
Separate yolks from whites like a chef.
A large water bottle turned into a bag is a great way to organize small toys.
An eco-friendly loudspeaker for your phone that uses recycled materials to amplify sounds. This idea doesn’t require a ton of time and skill to accomplish.
Drip irrigation delivers moisture directly to plant roots without oversaturating the soil, which helps the plants root deeper and grow healthier since they don’t experience moisture stress. Grab some 2 litre plastic bottles, punch two holes into the caps, and hang or plant the bottles next to the plants. Fill them with water and let the plants get the slow watering they prefer.
Do you have an old door you’re looking to junk? Well…don’t. That old, raggedy door full of personality could be your next home DIY coffee table. Intrigued by the idea of a quirky, cool door-to-home-decor project? If you don’t have a door, simply head to your local antique mall/thrift store – or visit the junkyard – and you’re bound to find one ripe for the picking. Coffee tables made out of old doors pair incredibly well with mid-century modern hairpin legs for an industrial vibe or spindle-style legs to create country charm.
But don’t just let your old door projects stop with a simple coffee table made from repurposed doors. There are tons of cool, charming and creative DIY old door projects. And we’ve got them right here for you!
Use your old door to create an artistic yet completely functional shelf. Paint the door and remove the panels, using them to create the shelving parts. Lean the door against a wall in a living room or bedroom and decorate with books, plants and other treasures.
Create a stunning decorative piece with an old door and several cuts of wood. Paint the door and attach the wood to create a little table and shelf. Completed, this piece is incredibly versatile and will certainly add an element of rustic elegance to your home. Place it in a hallway, entryway or in the master bedroom.
Breathe some new life into an an old hunk of wood with this fashionable and functional bench made from an old door. If you’re not sure what to do with old doors, look no further than using one to build a bench for your mudroom, entryway or sunroom. It’s the perfect place for your family to take off their shoes when they get home and drop off their bags. It’s truly one of the best uses for old doors because it provides charming style and practical application.
With this repurposing idea, turning the door on its side is only half of the work. If placing in a bathroom with a shower, paint the door with a paint that does well with steam, attach a few hooks, and make sure to securely hang the door with proper hardware. You’ll love the unique touch it adds to the bathroom.
You can also extend this DIY old door idea into a coat rack, hat rack or key hanger in your entryway. This crafty and chic way to repurpose a discarded door will be a welcomed sight as the first and last thing you see when you enter or leave your home.
Love the look mirrors bring into your home? Paint your old door and fit it with a floor-length mirror, leaving enough space around the mirror to show off your door. Lean it against a wall in a living room or bedroom and the result is a visually unique and appealing look that adds depth and visual space to the room. Not only that, but everyone will compliment the beautiful addition to the room.
Repurpose that old wooden door into a beautifully vintage chair, perfect for a mudroom or walk-in closet (if you’re lucky enough to have one of those!). This one might take a little more work than the others, so roll up your sleeves and pull out a hammer and nails. It’s definitely doable, though, and you’ll love the result.
What’s a better way to upcycle an old door than to use it for your very own home watering hole? A bar made from old doors is great because it offers plenty of tabletop space with a truly unique style. Whether you’re looking to wine and dine guests in your backyard, in the basement – even at a special event, like a wedding – this one-of-a-kind bar top idea will be sure to leave your guests thirsty for more of your unique home designs.
Next on the long, creative list of ways for using old doors is repurposing an old door to build a cabinet. You can seriously rack up some creative style points for your home with this DIY project! A cabinet made from old doors is the perfect way to spruce up a charming kitchen or luxurious bathroom while allotting you and your family plenty of storage and organizational space. Hollowing out the paneling or creating a sliding barn door cover are crafty ways to reuse old doors for functional and fashionable home cabinetry.
Haven’t gotten enough ideas about what to do with an old wooden door? Consider some beautiful bedroom furniture made from old doors — like a door headboard to make your bed the ultimate focal point of your master bedroom. Depending on what style of door you decide to transform into a headboard, your bed can be as simple or intricate as you see fit. And this DIY old door project is a fairly simple creation that will leave you wondering why you never did it sooner.
So, anytime you’re remodeling or find yourself with an old door, don’t toss it; repurpose it with these amazing old wooden door ideas. Use one of the ideas above or come up with one of your own. The possibilities are fairly limitless, and by the time you’re finished with these creative old door ideas, you’ll love that you took something old and used and made something new.
]]>Believe it or not, your appliances can do more than their intended purposes. Check out the surprising ways you can use your big and small appliances around the house.
If you think of your dishwasher, microwave, and coffee maker as one-trick ponies, you may be surprised to learn that they’re actually multitaskers. In fact, most appliances in your home can do double—if not triple—duty. Click through to discover some unexpected ways you can put your household appliances to use.
It may sound counterintuitive, but placing frozen foods in your washing machine and running it on the cold delicate cycle with a low water level may actually use less water and work faster than defrosting in the sink. Seal food items in a ziplock bag, and leave the lid of the washing machine open to prevent the spin cycle from engaging.
Sure, your dishwasher gets your dinner plates clean, but did you know that it can also cook the food that goes on them? Just place some salmon on a piece of foil, squeeze some lemon over it, add a dash of salt and pepper, seal it up, and place the packet on the upper rack of your dishwasher. The slow, steamy heat of a wash cycle will poach it perfectly. Leave the detergent out, though, or you’ll have soapy salmon!
Old honey has a tendency to crystallize, which makes it virtually impossible to drizzle or spread. Before you ditch your old honey for a new bottle, try zapping it in the microwave. First, remove the lid from the jar and place the jar in the microwave. (If the honey isn’t in a microwavable container, transfer it into a microwave-safe dish.) Heat on medium power for 30 seconds, and stir. Repeat at 30-second intervals, stirring each time, until the honey is soft and liquid again.
If you’ve spilled wax on furniture, scrape away as much as you can without damaging the finish, then go get your blow dryer. Place a length of paper towel over the remaining wax, then blow over it with high heat from the dryer. The towel will absorb the wax, leaving you with a clean surface. The same trick works for crayon marks on walls.
On top of the daily wear and tear lunch boxes experience, they’re also subject to spills and leaks that leave behind sticky, smelly messes. Rather than having to deal with the gunk yourself, put lunch boxes in the washing machine on a cold-water cycle with a load of towels, and they’ll come out fresh and ready for school.
Save yourself the trouble of pulling out the food processor when you just need to grind up a small quantity of food. Instead, use your coffee grinder to process nuts, graham crackers, pieces of bread, or other ingredients into a fine powder.
Use your slow cooker to create a liquid potpourri to fill a room with pleasant scents. Place your favorite spices and fruits into your slow cooker, cover them slightly with water, and set the appliance on low. Leave the lid off and enjoy the simmering fragrances.
Sure, you clean your sheets, but when was the last time you cleaned your mattress? Don’t keep putting fresh sheets on top of a mattress covered with dust and allergens. The next time you change sheets, run the brush or upholstery attachment of your vacuum over the top and sides of the mattress, paying special attention to crevices, seams, and other detritus-collecting spots. While you’re at it, vacuum any pillows that can’t safely go in the washer and dryer.
It may not be the pros’ go-to kitchen tool, but it works in a pinch. You can use your iron to make quesadillas, grilled cheese, and other toasted sandwiches. Wrap the sandwich in aluminum foil and press down for about 30 seconds. Carefully unwrap to check if it’s warm and if the filling has melted. If it’s not yet to your taste, wrap the sandwich back up and press down a few more times with the iron.
Garden tools have it rough: They not only end up caked in dirt, but they also get exposed to chemicals and diseases. You can give some of your garden tools a more thorough cleaning by running them through the dishwasher. Place tools on the top rack along with small plastic plant pots, and put the bigger pots, rubber boots, and other tall accessories and supplies on the bottom.
Pour raw coffee beans up to the max fill line of your popcorn maker, then turn on the machine. Place a bowl under the spout to catch the chaff. The beans will pop just like popcorn, and when they stop your coffee will be roasted! Experiment with different cook times to find the roast level that’s best for you.
Throwing your jeans in the washer and dryer too frequently causes them to fade and stretch. To get your denim clean without losing its shape, try putting it in the freezer, in a sealable bag. Exposure to the cold kills bacteria and removes odors while keeping the denim fresh and crisp.
Speed through the process of drying herbs by using the microwave. Pat fresh herbs dry, making sure all water has been removed. Next, pick the leaves off and place them between paper towels. Put the herbs and towels on a microwave-safe plate, and heat for about a minute. Take the plate out to check if the herbs are fully dried. If not, continue to heat them in brief, 20-second spurts.
Stepped in gum? Rather than trying to scrape off the sticky mess, put the shoe in a plastic bag and stash it in the fridge for a few hours. When you take it out, the gum should come right off.
Rather than having to go around the entire house, dusting and wiping down every last piece of home decor, send washable items like glass lampshades, cabinet hardware, and even throw pillows through a cycle to get rid of the dust, grime, and germs.
You’ve probably never thought about it before, but your coffee maker actually has three cooking modules: the burner, which can be used as a grill; the basket, which can be used as a steamer; and the pot, which can cook anything from rice to salmon.
Notice a stinky smell while planking on your yoga mat? Think about the last time you really cleaned it. While a quick wipe down between workouts is fine, every once in a while you should give your mat a thorough cleaning to rid it of sweat and bacteria. So, toss in your yoga mat the next time you run a load of towels or sheets. Just make sure to take it out before the spin cycle and let it air-dry.
This innovative, flexible shoe rack uses repurposed cardboard boxes that have been cut, folded and held into triangle shapes with colorful tape. Attach as many as you need for a fun and stylish shoe storage solution.
Cardboard is an excellent scratching material for cats, providing a texture they really love. Cut long strips from cardboard boxes and curl them into a circle, using glue to hold it all together. You can paint the outer edge or cover it with fabric. For extra cat love, sprinkle some catnip into the cardboard as you work!
Appliance boxes are fun for kids to play with, but they can also have a second life as collapsible sawhorses! Despite their light weight, they’ll hold heavy workpieces without wobbling. And they’ll fold flat and store in seconds when the job’s finished. Plus, you can cut them to a comfortable working height with a circular saw. Every appliance dealer we called had cartons to give away.
To keep small cords organized all you need is a shoe box and some toilet paper or paper towel rolls, try this handy hint Fill a shoe box with as many empty toilet paper rolls that will fit vertically; then place a single small cord in each tube. This same setup could work for other small items, as well.
Heartfelt gifts don’t have to cost a fortune. Use cardboard from a clean box to create a shadow box and add mementos or little gifts for someone you love
Look carefully and you’ll see that this is an armchair made of heavy corrugated cardboard. This is extreme cardboard repurposing but it shows how versatile cardboard is and that if properly designed, items made of cardboard can be quite sturdy.
If you buy wine by the case or live near a liquor store, you have or have access to, wine boxes. (Not to be confused with boxed wine!) Did you know that those wine boxes are great for storing spray paint? The interior dividers are sized just right for the narrow cans, and the colorful lids of the spray paint are easily visible when you look inside the box.
No room for a Christmas tree? Allergic to trees? Maybe you should create a “tree” from cardboard boxes, pine cones and other found objects! This tree stacks up against a wall, so it takes up very little room. Temporarily attach the objects to the wall with removable mounting strips.
Here’s a way to use a cardboard box to organize all of those plastic bags from the grocery store. Straighten them out and stack them into an organized pile. Then place the pile in a small cardboard box. Cut a hole in the box so you can pull out one bag at a time as you need it.
This plastic bag dispenser would also be handy in the basement or wherever you keep your cat’s litter box or near your dog’s leash. Then you’ll have a stash of bags ready when it’s time to clean up after your pet.
When you have a big cardboard box from an appliance or piece of furniture, make sure a child gets to have fun with it! Those boxes can become playhouses, forts, castles and spaceships. For young children, provide help with cutting and assembly and make sure there are plenty of crayons, markers and/or chalk for decorating.
]]>Reader Roy Allison found a solution for keeping his silverware drawer organizer from moving around each time he opened or closed the drawer: a pool noodle! He cut the noodle to size, so that it fits snuggly between the back of the organizer and the back of the drawer.
There are several uses for paper tubes like cord storage or making your vacuum reach more places. To make it easier to clean hard to reach spots use a leftover wrapping paper tube as a vacuum cleaner extension. Now you have three extra feet to clean ceiling fans and cobwebbed corners.
Old toothbrushes are great at cleaning tough to reach spots. Now that discount and dollar stores carry cheap electric toothbrushes, you can add a modern twist to routine cleaning. Rapid vibration will quickly scrub out stubborn dirt, while the long handle can get to hard-to-reach places without all the elbow grease.
You don’t need to save all your milk jugs but having a few extra around can be a real blessing.
Clamshell containers are great for repurposing and for holding cookies. When it’s time to clean out the refrigerator, be sure to save those plastic berry containers. You can toss the mushy raspberries, but wash and dry the container—it’s perfect for spreading grass seed on your lawn!
Pipe insulation is somewhat similar to a pool noodle and it’s just as handy to have. You can use foam pipe insulation to baby-proof your home. Cut the tube to length and slip it onto edges and corners that could be dangerous to a small child. The pressure of the curved foam will keep it in place for an easy-to-remove baby-proofing solution. Or, use the adhesive strip to hold the insulation in place for a more permanent safety fix.
The next time you need to clean your window blinds, use an old sock on your hand! Your hand makes a perfect tool for reaching all of the nooks and crannies on the blinds, and the sock picks up dust wonderfully.
Wine bottles are getting used by DIYers for all sorts of projects these days. If you’re up for cutting glass, try using empty wine bottles as planters. You’ll need to cut either the side, top, or bottom, depending on the look you’re going for.
If you need extra storage space reach for a curtain rod. If you have space in an upper cabinet, try a DIY spice storage rack that uses a spring-tension curtain rod.
One of your easiest and most eco-friendly options for toy storage is already in your refrigerator. Empty your mesh produce bags and toss in your child’s bath or beach toys. Attach a plastic hook and hang the bag of toys on the shower wall within easy reach. And if you need more room than what you can hold in a five-pound bag, buy a reusable mesh produce bag and still have an eco-friendly bag alternative to traditional toy storage.
Don’t throw away that old rake. When the handle broke on our old rake, I decided to repurpose it for use as a rack to store my garden hand tools. It fits the gardening theme and keeps what I need in plain sight! —Reader Judy G. Todd.
Make creative garden chairs by recycling your old tires, because what goes better than horticulture and recycled materials?
Keep a few empty egg cartons with the rest of your painting supplies. They’re great for lifting a small project off of a work surface, making it easier to paint nooks and crannies and along the base of the project.
Don’t have any furniture glides on hand when you need to move a piece of heavy furniture by yourself? Dig into your painting supplies and use the base of a FrogTape container under each leg on the furniture piece. It’ll then slide smoothly across the floor.
If you live in an apartment building, you can turn an old cardboard box into these amazing numbers for your door. I don’t recommend this for houses, since the cardboard won’t hold up well to the elements. Making them for an apartment door is really easy and they look so elegant when they’re finished. Just print off the numbers that you want to use, or freehand them if you’re really talented.
Tutorial/Source: lovelyindeed
You can turn those old cardboard boxes into these amazing storage totes with just a little time and a few supplies. You just cover the boxes with fabric and then add an old belt for a handle. These are great for all sorts of organizing from craft supplies and kids’ toys to magazines and anything else you can think of. When they’re finished, no one will ever know that they used to be empty cardboard boxes.
Tutorial/Source: brit
Cardboard photo frames are so easy to make and they’re perfect when you want something you can really customize. Not only are these great for decorating your own house, but they also make perfect gifts for others. And, since they’re made from recycled cardboard, they’re really cheap and they’re made in a folding design so they’re great for displaying pictures on the table or mantel.
Tutorial/Source: ohoh-blog
This cardboard mirror frame is made with upcycled toilet paper rolls, but if you have cardboard boxes on hand, you can use those as well. You’ll just have to cut and then roll your cardboard to create the circles. Then you arrange them in a pattern, glue on some sequins or other decorative elements, and add your mirror. This is a really easy project and gives you a beautiful new mirror when you’re finished.
Tutorial/Source: meijosjoy
Turn that cardboard into a beautiful decoupage tray! You can use these trays for everything from jewelry to any number of other things that you want to store and they’re super easy to make. You don’t even have to have a tray – you make it completely with upcycled cardboard. Just shape and then form the tray and cover with scrapbook paper, fabric, or anything else you want to decorate it.
Tutorial/Source: karenkavett
This cardboard city will be as fun for kids to make as it is for them to play in. You can take a number of empty cardboard boxes and build all sorts of shops and buildings for them. And, the kids can help to decorate their city. A small-scale city would be great for playing with dolls and toy cars or you could go all out and take several larger boxes to build them an actual playhouse size city.
Tutorial/Source: crayola
Build your little dog his own little house inside the house with a repurposed cardboard box. Your dog will love having his own space and you can decorate these so cute with cardboard shingles. Note, this is not going to work for an outdoor dog house obviously because of the cardboard but it’s great for giving your little pooch a little place of his own inside the house.
Tutorial/Source: designdazzle
Keep your dresser drawers perfectly organized with dividers…that you can make from an empty cardboard box. This is one of the easiest projects ever and one that is so useful. You can use pieces of cardboard to separate socks and all sorts of other items and keep those drawers perfectly organized. You just mark and cut your cardboard so that it perfectly fits inside the drawers and stays tight enough to not fall over.
Tutorial/Source: instructables
Turn your Christmas decorating a bit rustic with these adorable little cardboard Christmas trees. You can make several of these from just one large cardboard box and they’re perfect for setting up a rustic winter scene. These are so easy to make and the kids will love helping with them. Plus, you have plenty of time to make several before the holidays – you could even give some away as gifts.
Tutorial/Source: theproperpinwheel
If the little ones love making music, you can make them this adorable cardboard guitar that looks just like the real thing. These things also actually play music so they can strum their little hearts out. This is actually a great tool for little ones that want to learn how to play guitar. The size is perfect for their little hands and it gives them the opportunity to learn how to hold and strum the guitar before they practice with the real thing.
Tutorial/Source: makeit-loveit
I love old lanterns and these cardboard versions are just great. You make them from upcycled cardboard boxes and they look just like real lanterns when you’re finished. You can even add LED lights to them to give them a nice little glow – although I would avoid candles since it is cardboard. These would make a great display for the holidays or anytime you want to add a bit of style.
Tutorial/Source: etsy
Take those cardboard boxes and make a number of these great Christmas stars to hang or decorate for the holidays. These have such a great rustic look and are really easy to make. When you’re finished making your stars, just paint them – you can use spray paint for this – any colors that you want and hang them on your Christmas tree, on the mantel, or you could even make a great garland from them.
Tutorial/Source: pepperbuttons
To make a beautiful recycled cardboard vase, you’ll need corrugated cardboard as well as a cardboard tube, an old CD, and a few other supplies. You cut the cardboard into small strips and then layer it around the tube. The CD serves as a base and helps the vase to stand up. When it’s finished, this is a lovely vase that you can paint or just leave plain. It will beautifully display silk flowers or real ones – just slip a small glass or vase down into the tube.
Tutorial/Source: madebylakshmi
Cats love to scratch – those of us who own them know that all too well. If you have a cat, you really need a scratching post of some sort. Otherwise, they’ll scratch walls and furniture. So, why not take those empty cardboard boxes and make a scratching post to save your furnishings? You can make one out of corrugated cardboard and it will rival those that you see in pet shops for over $100. Your cat will love it and your furniture will love you.
Tutorial/Source: maisonkuotidien
You’re crafty right? Then why not turn your cardboard box craft into something that will help you with all your craftiness? I love this recycled cardboard storage. It’s the perfect way to keep all of your craft supplies organized and it’s so very easy to make. You just cut around the boxes to give them a nice shelf look and then string them all together with twine. This is great for storing all sorts of things and won’t cost you anything but a little time.
Tutorial/Source: paigebphotography
Kids love playing with cardboard boxes, and why wouldn’t they when those boxes are turned into these creative little cars? You can make these so easily and they take very little time. If your little ones have grown tired of their toys, these little cards are sure to make them happy. They’ll spend hours playing with them and if you have a few boxes on hand, you could make so many different versions of cars for creative play.
Tutorial/Source: aughpaintcreate
This little owl is a hoot and so easy to make. You start by rolling cardboard for the body and when that’s finished you just do the same for the head and eyes. He’s such a little cutie and perfect for adding a little homemade décor to your home. You can add feathers – or make feathers from leaf shapes – and he’s all finished. Paint him if you want but I think the natural look is so much better.
Tutorial/Source: foxyfawni
You would never believe that this beautiful decorative box was once a plain cardboard box. It’s so gorgeous and such a lovely thing to display. It’s also pretty easy to make and won’t take you long at all. This would be a great gift box or you can just use it to dress up the bedroom or bathroom. Just cover a box in burlap and then add “legs” and any other decorations that you want.
Tutorial/Source: lookiewhatidid
You’ve seen those great decorative letters adorning people’s mantels and tables, right? Well, those things can be pretty expensive depending on where you buy them. A better way to get that look is to create the letters yourself from recycled cardboard. Just cut out your letters and then shape cardboard around them. Then paint and decorate however you want.
Tutorial/Source: christylovespaper
Here’s another great way to get some storage from those cardboard boxes. These decorative boxes are so easy to make and really spruce up closets where you might otherwise just have plain boxes stacked up. Just cut the lid and flaps away from the boxes and then cover them with wrapping paper.
Tutorial/Source: thekolbcorner
]]>All bathrooms need a towel holder, right? Well, with a vintage window, you can elevate that into something that’s both rustic and charming. Depending on the size of your window, you can add a handful of hooks to hang towels for the whole family. Consider adding some extra accessories to it like a wreath to give it a pop of color.
If you’re a travel buff or simply love maps, it’s always fun to show off your adoration by hanging maps on the wall in your home. With an old window, you can create a more unique frame for your favorite maps. Vintage maps are especially a good idea as they blend in effortlessly with an old-fashioned window.
Whether you’ve traveled to this location or simply dream of it one day, there’s always that one photograph that can capture everything you love about a particular place. You can wake up every day to this sight by incorporating it into various sections of an old window. This fun project lets you transform any part of a wall in your home into a relaxing viewing window.
Who says a plant holder has to be large? You can make your own little “greenhouse” of sorts with a few pieces of an old window. Placed in the right way, these pieces can allow you to build a rather convincing miniature greenhouse. It’s the perfect place to hold a few potted plants and add a bit more character to your greenery setup.
Do you have an office environment that needs a bit of an upgrade? A simple, yet beautiful way to do that is with this amazing window transformation. In the various panes, you can add cool images, artwork, etc. that can fit into the theme of your room. The center can be a wonderful area to house a clock so that this isn’t just appealing décor, but functional as well.
An easy and effective way to decorate with an old window is to use it alongside other decorations. Consider livening up your porch with a cool distressed window that can help it fit in with a farmhouse layout. This gives you the freedom to add numerous items to further decorate the window and everything around it from plants to wreaths.
With this project, it takes repurposing vintage windows to a new level. This is a fun task to take on if you enjoy building completely new items to use around your home. Not only do you get a shelf table out of this, but you get something that’s simply appealing to look at thanks to how the windows are used to accent either side of the shelf.
There are plenty of things you can do with the window panes inside an old window frame. Have you ever thought about how intricate dollies can look? They can come in various designs and patterns, and you can use a handful of different ones to create an attractive look that winds up looking both vintage and chic.
It’s always fun to create something new that can look good and have functionality so that you can use it on an everyday basis. That is what this window storage setup accomplishes. Feel free to give it a paint job so that it may match your room. Otherwise, a few hooks go a long way into giving you space to free up some clutter in your entryway as you can hang coats, hats, bags, etc. out of the way.
Old windows don’t have to be used just for holding items or to act as storage for pictures in the panes. Instead of adding images, you can use all those sections to act as a beautiful succulent garden. Depending on the window size, you can add several succulent plants and bring fresh greenery to your home décor.
Do you have an island in your kitchen that may be in desperate need of an upgrade? Thankfully, some old windows can go a long way into making a typical island stand out more. Just a few window frames are all it takes to add a pleasant framed-like touch to the island, and it can be a good way to see through if there are shelves inside that you can access from the other side.
A great way you can save some of those old windows and make good use of them is by upgrading them into mirrors instead. These mirrors are, of course, functional, but they can also do well at adding some reflective light throughout a small room. It can make the area appear more open and welcoming, and all of this is done by using vintage items.
There are several cool ways people come up with to store their jewelry, but using an old window can allow them to stand out more on their own display. Also, a window may give you far more space to store countless amounts of jewelry. This further ensures that whatever you need is immediately accessible thanks to the open hanging layout.
If you are looking for a way to add some unique décor to your walls, consider this attractive window stencil artwork. You can use whatever stencils you’d like that will suit your personal taste and feel free to make them multidimensional so that they stand out more on the window panes. Giving the window itself an updated paint job whether distressed or otherwise can only add to the overall decorative theme.
Spanish windows can be absolutely stunning, and what’s even better about them is that when repurposed, they don’t have to actually be windows. Rather, you can get the same effect of looking at a beautiful Spanish window inside your home against the wall. You can always add something inside the panes like chicken wire or something similar to give it some more texture.
If you happen to have an old four-pane window, each of those panes can readily be transformed into mirrors instead. This can bring plenty of light into a room, and it can offer a unique and decorative touch to a vintage window. You can always add a paint job to the frame as well if you feel it needs some additional sprucing up.
You don’t have to replace window panes with mirrors to get the effect you want. Instead, with a little glass spray paint, you can achieve similar results in no time. Of course, this will lead to a reflective surface that isn’t as clear and smooth as standard mirrors. However, in terms of old-fashioned windows, it’s fitting for the overall décor theme.
Do you have a large section of the wall and no idea what to do to fill it up? Consider using an assortment of old windows to create an art gallery. These windows don’t have to be the same size or color. In fact, each individual has a better chance of standing out more if they’re different. At the same time, they should still blend well enough with one another so that the area doesn’t appear too busy.
An interesting way to add a distinctive coffee table to your home is using an old window. This can be done to make any type of table, of course, but it can work out great for one that will be in your living room or family room. The window gives it that glass, see-through top while the sectioned panes make it more attention-grabbing. Consider distressing the table itself to stick with the farmhouse-like vibe.
This old, painted wooden window frame can be the perfect decorative piece to hang anywhere in your home. It may look especially well over a fireplace mantle whether you use it with or without any additional decorations on it like a wreath. It comes in a single size that’s 39in. high and 26in. wide.
]]>Keep a stash of old bedsheets in a closet for building forts! Challenge your kids to make the best blanket fort they can use a couple of those old sheets. Your little ones can also use those sheets as curtains for puppet shows.
You can keep your garden growing longer in the fall by covering it up on nights that are supposed to be especially chilly. An old bedsheet would work perfectly to insulate your plants from the cold!
Keep a spare bed sheet in your car for emergencies! If you have to change a flat tire, you can spread it out on the ground to keep yourself clean while you work. You can also use it to absorb those unavoidable spills that only seem to happen when you don’t have any napkins handy.
Use an old sheet to make a tunic that will keep you clean while you’re crafting! Just cut a hole for your head somewhere in the middle of the sheet, and wear it while you’re doing messier crafts to keep your clothes clean.
Save your old bedsheets to use as picnic blankets, or just as a barrier between you and the ground for outdoor concerts and sporting events! You can also use them as tablecloths while camping or at the park to cover those picnic tables. Bonus if you have an old fitted sheet! The elastic keeps the sheet from blowing around.
Turn your old sheets into DIY grocery tote bags. Learn how from CraftStylish.
Cut an old bed sheet up into smaller squares and use them as cleaning rags. I love to keep a stash of bed-sheet rags in the house for those messes that you know will stain your kitchen towels. I just use my sheet rags to clean it up, and then I don’t have to feel bad if I have to throw them away afterward.
Turn your old sheets into a braided bath mat. Learn how from A Common Thread.
Give an old bed sheet to your pet! Your dog or cat will love having something to cuddle up on that smells like their favorite human. This can be especially helpful for anxious animals.
If your sheets are a cute color and are still in fairly good condition, you can give them a new life by using them as backing material for a quilt!
Use the fabric of your old bed sheet to make an easy heating pad. Just cut out a rectangle of cloth and sew it closed on two sides. Fill the pouch with dry rice or dry beans, then stitch the open edge closed.
Turn your old sheets into a striped shower curtain. Learn how from Welcome to Heardmont.
Use an old sheet to make a sleeping bag liner. Sleeping bag liners are thin fabric bags that are great take to hotels, hostels, or other places where you may want an extra layer between yourself and the bed. (They’re also good for keeping the inside of your sleeping bag clean if you’re a camper.) To make your own sleeping bag liner, just fold your old bed sheet in half, sew the long edge shut, as well as one of the shorter edges.
Turn your old sheets into inexpensive long curtains. Learn how from The Frugal Homemaker.
Use your old bed sheet as a drop cloth for a painting project! It’s easier to manipulate than a plastic sheet and much less likely to tear accidentally.
]]>This vintage leather belt bag is part of a rather expensive collection, but you could easily DIY one for yourself. You’ll need a few different belts, which you can pick up at any thrift store for around a dollar each. Just work your creative magic and make a purse or wallet that would rival anything you see on the runway.
Source/Tutorial: lasanta
If you have an old chair that needs a new seat and you have a handful of leather belts, you have what you need to create this lovely belted seat chair. You just weave the belts through each other and then fasten on the bottom of the chair with staples. How gorgeous is this? I love the vintage look of it and how easy it is to create.
Source/Tutorial: savedbylovecreations
Those old leather belts can be put to good use as bracelets as you’ll see with this gorgeous cuff bracelet. I love leather and would totally rock this cuff bracelet. It’s got lovely beads and the overall look is very stylish. You can pick this one up on Etsy for just $20 if you don’t feel like making one yourself.
A leather belt is the perfect beginning to a sturdy camera strap. You just have to trim the belt down a bit if it’s really long and then use copper wire to hold it to the camera. I love this idea. It has such a rugged rustic look and you can decorate the belt if you want with patches and other design elements.
Source/Tutorial: diyphotography
The look of leather for home décor really speaks to me, which is why I love this message board that you can make from a cork pad and an old leather belt. You use the belt to frame and hang the cork pad and the entire look has a very western feel to it. This would be great in the nursery or even in the barn for keeping vet schedules and such.
Source/Tutorial: comfort
I absolutely adore the look of this doormat! It’s made from a collection of old leather belts and it’s just so unique. This project really doesn’t take as much time or skill as you would think and it gives you a lovely door mat that I’m sure is different from anything you’ve ever seen before. Use different sizes and colors of belts to create something really amazing.
Source/Tutorial: lilyshop
You can turn an ordinary crate into something elegant and beautiful with a few old leather belts. The belts give the crate texture and turn it into something really decorative. This would be great for closet storage or you could even put this out in the open so everyone can admire it.
Source/Tutorial: myrepurposedlife
You can use a leather belt to help create a lovely hanging terrarium for the bathroom or anywhere you want to add a bit of lovely. Those old glass milk jars, which you can get at most craft stores, or Italian juice jars work beautifully and all you have to do is add your rocks and plants and then attach the belt.
Source/Tutorial: poppytalk
Turn an ordinary vase into something of beauty with a vintage belt. You just have to wrap the belt around the vase and you’re all done. You could also do this with colorful belts for bridal bouquets or bridesmaids bouquets. Just wrap and that’s it! I love the rustic look of this and it would be perfect for displaying in any room in the house.
Source/Tutorial: crownedphoenix
If you have a shelf that you want to hang to display something great, why not make it even greater by using a leather strap for the hanger? An old belt can be turned into a great strap that will instantly draw attention to your shelf. Then you will know that whatever you are displaying is sure to be seen.
Source/Tutorial: clonesnclowns
If you are all finished with that belt, why not turn it into a stylish collar for your dog? Leather collars for dogs aren’t cheap by any means, which makes this project even better. You get a great, and sturdy, dog collar and you don’t have to pay a fortune for it just because it’s leather. Just measure and then cut the belt and attach the fastening hardware.
Source/Tutorial: hometalk
If you really love the look of leather, you can turn those old belts into these amazing drawer pulls. This project is relatively simple and doesn’t take a lot of work or leather working knowhow. You just cut your belt to the size of drawer pulls that you want and then attach them with small nails or rivets.
Source/Tutorial: improvisedlife
Turn that leather belt – or a couple of them in this case – into a great clock. Take an ordinary clock and use a couple of thin leather belts to hug it tight and secure it to the wall. This is a gorgeous look and so very easy to recreate. If you’re looking to get that rustic log cabin or western feel to your home, this is a great place to start.
Source/Tutorial: poppytalk
I’ll admit, I love the look of dark leather against light fabric, which is why I really adore the idea of using old belts for curtain ties. They’re just so elegant and would look really perfect in a den. You just have to cut your belt to size and then add decorate screws to help them hold your curtains back. These would look beautiful against white curtains!
Source/Tutorial: earnesthomeco
Turn that old belt into a vintage leather book strap and relive your youth! I love these old straps and they really do get the job done. For this project, you just have to cut the belt down to size and that’s about it. If it’s a short enough belt, you may not even have to do that. Just put your books inside and tighten the buckle.
Source/Tutorial: hiconsumption
Yes, you can create an entire floor from those leather belts. You’ll need quite a few for this project, depending on how much floor you want to create. This would be beautiful in a den or bedroom if you are willing to put that much work in, that is. It does take a while to get it all set, but can you just imagine walking out on these beautiful leather floors?
Source/Tutorial: thesuels
Create these elegant and beautiful liquor tags from those old belts. If you tend to entertain quite a bit, these would be a wonderful addition to your bar. You could also make them for anyone you know who does entertain often. They would make wonderful gifts and there’s not that much work involved in making them.
Source/Tutorial: sadieseasongoods
What better way to put an old belt to new use than to make beautiful leather napkin rings out of it? You just cut your belt into smaller sections, depending on the size of the ring that you want, and then use rivets to create the ring. These are very easy and would make a wonderful wedding or anniversary gift for someone special. You can get several rings out of one belt, too.
Source/Tutorial: craftaholicsanonymous
I love these old vintage lawn chairs but unfortunately, the seats don’t last as long as their plastic counterparts. A good way to remedy that would be to reseat them with your old leather belts. These chairs are simply gorgeous and will add so much beauty to your outdoor living spaces. I found this chair on Etsy for around $300, but you can totally recreate the look if you want.
Turn ordinary totes into extraordinary storage when you add those old leather belts. You make these with cardboard boxes, fabric, and those leather belts. They’re gorgeous and offer such a wonderful storage solution. The belts make the handles so they’re easy to move about as needed and the fabric gives those ordinary cardboard boxes such style!
Source/Tutorial: brit