picture – LoreVista https://lorevista.com Make Your Day Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:12:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://lorevista.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/cropped-Black-Vintage-Emblem-Tree-Logo-1-32x32.png picture – LoreVista https://lorevista.com 32 32 231211893 Which Cup Will Get Filled First Brain Out ? https://lorevista.com/which-cup-will-get-filled-first-brain-out/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 23:00:51 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=63537 Looking for the answer to Which Cup Will Get Filled First Puzzle so here is the correct answer image. The puzzle is very popular on the internet and people are sharing on the social media like WhatsApp and Facebook and looking for the answer.
See more: Brain Test: Who D ies if E Pushes The Stone?

Today I am going to give you the correct answer to this “Which Cup Will Get Filled First Puzzle” and also give you the proper explanation for the answer.

Which cup will get filled first?
Which cup will get filled first?

In this puzzle you can see the 7 tanks and they are connected with each other with a pipe. They are placed differently and in the different positions. All the tanks are labelled with numbers from 1 to 7 as you can see in the above image.

There is only 1 main tap above all the tanks and the water will start from that position. So, your task is to tell which of the cup or the tank will get filled first.

The answer image and the proper explanation is also given below. So do check it and see whether you guessed the correct answer.

Question: Which Cup Will Get Filled First?

Answer: Cup 3 will get filled first.

You may be wondering how the answer is 3 let me explain you. If you look the above image you can clearly see I have marked some points on the image.

Firstly, you can see the pipe is blocked from 3 to 4 so the water will not go to the cup 4. Now see the end point of the pipe towards the 5th cup there is also a blockage so water will also not fill in the cup 5.

Now move towards the left side see the pipe from 2nd cup to 6th cup there is also a blockage and 7th cup has a hole in it so the both cups are eliminated as well.

Now finally we have only 2 cups left and look at the 3rd cup it seems little small and position down so it will fill first with water.

Therefore, the correct answer to this puzzle is cup 3.

Let your friends give this a try!

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Brain Test: Who D .ies if E Pushes The Stone? https://lorevista.com/brain-test-who-d-ies-if-e-pushes-the-stone/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 06:48:19 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=63435 Brain tests are fun to attempt. Though it is difficult to get the answers straight and correct in the first attempt, it helps the brain exercise. In the image shown above, a person standing at position E is the focus of the question. There are four other people in the image, standing at different positions. As you can see from the picture, all you have to do is analyze it and guess who dies if E pushes the stone to the slide on the slope. This fun quiz is sure to boost your cognitive function!
SEE MORE: What Is The Car’s Parking Spot Number?

Who D .ies if E Pushes The Stone?

Here are the possible answers to who dies if E pushes the rock in this puzzle:

Answer 1: D and C

“D” may d .ie first as it clearly appears from the above scene that E has some grudge against D and has planned to k .ill him. But what if the crescent-shaped stone rolls down and hits the balance under which C is lying? In that case, C may d .ie too (provided the rock is very heavy)!

Answer 2: D, C, and E

As per the above interpretation if both D and C are k .illed, then it is highly likely that the first stone pushed by “E” hits the balance, thereby, causing other stones on the balance to jump upwards and hit E in the end.
So, by pushing down one stone, D, C, and E – three are k .illed. However, this is possible only if the first rock was heavy enough to fling the big rock on the other side of the seesaw.

Answer 3: D, C, and B

It may also happen that the second stone on the balance surge upwards and hits “B” instead of “E”. If this is true, then there will be three casualties – D, C, and B. But, this is possible only if the rock is heavy enough!

Answer 4: Only D

Only D and possibly C d .ie!

Keep in mind that the crescent rock does not have the same mass as the rock on the seesaw. Despite both rocks having the same diameter, the crescent rock has a huge missing section. Therefore, when E rolls down the crescent rock, it will not have enough mass to fling the big rock on the other side of the seesaw.

The only other person who could possibly d .ie is C, but that is only if the crescent rock is heavy enough to lower the seesaw’s plank.

Going by the logic, answer 4 is the correct answer!

Did you guess it right as to who dies if E pushes the stone? Let us know in the comments down below.

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What Is The Car’s Parking Spot Number? https://lorevista.com/what-is-the-cars-parking-spot-number/ Fri, 24 Nov 2023 01:00:13 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=63164 This riddle might look like you have to crunch numbers in order to solve it, but it doesn’t involve any math at all.

The question was part of an admissions test for first-graders. They had 20 seconds to answer. Can you solve it?


If you want to see where it is, keep scrolling.

Or if you want to look one more time, now’s your chance to scroll back up.

Ready to see the answer?


Turn the picture upside down and you’ll see that the numbers are in numerical order from 86 to 91. Therefore, the car’s parking spot number is 87.

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How Many Holes Does The Hat Have? https://lorevista.com/how-many-holes-does-the-hat-have/ Tue, 21 Nov 2023 08:14:43 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=63111 I found this riddle online earlier today. Apparently, according to different websites, only 1 in 10 adults gets the right answer on their first try. Therefore, I felt that a little challenge would be good fun.
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How many holes does this hat have?

Here comes the challenge itself.

Below we can see a picture of a hat.

The question is: how many holes are there in the hat? Look at the picture and take your time.

Will you figure this one out?

Sharpen your eyes and look extra carefully.

We’ll reveal the answer after the picture below.

Here is the answer

The correct answer is three holes.

Does that sound weird?

Then look at the picture again.

If you look closely, you will notice that the yellow background is visible inside the hole of the hat. That means that the hat has one hole on the front and one on the back. If you add the hole where you put your head in, you get a total of three holes.

Did you get it right? Congratulations to you in that case!

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Who is The Owner of The Cat? https://lorevista.com/who-is-the-owner-of-the-cat/ Tue, 14 Nov 2023 01:00:34 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=62672 Who is The Owner of The Cat?

The picture shows three girlfriends and the cat Murzik.

Which one of them owns the cat?

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Most attentive users quickly find the answer to the question who is the owner of the cat.

They notice that one of the girls is missing a bow that flaunts on the pet’s head.

Answer: Who is Murzik’s owner?

It is logical that the girl is on the right.

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