parents tips – LoreVista Make Your Day Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:54:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 parents tips – LoreVista 32 32 231211893 12 Cool Tips That Can Help You Put Your Baby to Sleep Faster Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:54:40 +0000 Becoming a parent is a blessing. However, it can be a challenging one, as it is a brand new adventure with no in-hand tutorial. One of the biggest ordeals that most parents have to steer through is getting their baby to sleep. Is your baby’s tiresome sleeping routine keeping you up all night?

Here are some cool tips that would help you put your baby to sleep faster and let you and your baby have a good night’s sleep.

1. There’s nothing like a cozy, well-done swaddle.

Babies undergo a startle reflex that happens from birth to 6 months of age. This reflex is caused by a sensation of free-falling and causes sudden jerks and lifting of the arms, which could eventually wake them up. Keeping your baby in a tight swaddle helps them to avoid the jerks and allows them to sleep smoothly.

Experienced mom, Lauren Tamm, calls this her “snug as a bug in a rug” rule and she swears by it!

2. Use dimmers to help your baby distinguish between day and night.


Teaching your baby that night is for sleep can be a huge task. However, if your baby understands this one earthly rule, your life is pretty much figured out! Plan your baby’s nighttime schedule and live by it.

Using dimmers in the lamps and lights in your house will signal to your baby that it’s time to sleep and regulates your baby’s circadian rhythm.

3. Add a warm bath to your baby’s nightly routine.


Running yourself a warm bath before snuggling into the bed works wonders for everyone. Why not use it for your baby too! Adding a warm water bath with a fresh diaper change to your baby’s nightly routine could signal to the baby that it’s time to call it a day and work wonders for a smooth sleep through the night.

4. Regulate the temperature of the baby’s room.

According to Dr. Alan Green’s book, From First Kicks to First Steps, the optimum temperature for an infant’s sleep ranges from 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Keeping your baby’s room temperature a little low allows your baby to fall asleep quicker. Putting on the fan at a low speed or keeping the windows a little open could help a lot.

5. Make use of white noise in the baby’s room.

White noise is extremely helpful for the baby to sleep as it sounds very close to the rush of blood in the veins as heard by your baby in your womb. Finding the right kind of noise that soothes your baby to sleep might to the trick.

Putting a fan at medium speed or a white noise machine can work wonders in helping your baby stop fussing and calm down. If your baby sleeps to the sound of the vacuum cleaner, go ahead and put a recording on loop!

6. Plan the diaper changes tactfully through the night.

Planning tactfully with midnight naps and a diaper change can help your baby have a good night’s sleep. Before the midnight feed, change your baby’s diaper and put them back to sleep with a cozy swaddle. If you change their diaper after their meal, they might be fully awake and then might take longer to fall asleep back again.

7. Cut your caffeine intake if you’re breastfeeding.


Caffeine through soda and coffee is usually undetected in the baby’s urine, however sticking to one to 3 servings of caffeine spread throughout the day could be just enough. Taking higher doses of caffeine (5 6-ounce cups or more) might cause your baby to get fussy and irritable.

Pay close attention to your baby’s mood changes if you have had a little extra chocolate, soda, or tea during the day and it might help to cut some java from your diet.

8. Use a bassinet or a co-sleeper.


For the first 6 months, it’s always preferable for your baby to be able to sleep as close to you as possible. Ditching the baby’s crib and keeping a bassinet or using a cosleeper is a great idea to make sure your baby has uninterrupted naps. Bassinets feel cozier and more secure as the parents can be right next to them. Sleeping right next to your baby or taking a quick nap with them can also have the same effect.

9. Limit your baby’s screen time before bedtime.

Your baby might be an Instagram star in the making, however, research shows that babies that play with touch screens like phones or other devices took a longer time to doze off. Keeping the baby away from screens for an hour or 2 before their nap time could help them get ready to call it a day.

10. Avoid making eye contact while cradling your baby to sleep.

The first things that babies learn is to make eye contact to communicate and recognize the people around them. Making eye contact with your baby and talking to it releases the love hormone, oxytocin, which increases the baby’s heartbeat. Hence looking into your little one’s eyes while you’re cradling them to sleep can actually have the opposite effect.

11. It is okay to wake your baby up for their feeding.


A lot of parents swear by one rule: Never wake up a sleeping baby. However, if your baby is sleeping past the next feed time or hasn’t eaten in the last 3 hours, it’s perfectly okay to wake the baby up! This will not only get your baby into the right sleep routine, but also make sure there are no fussy evenings.

12. Find what works best to put your baby to sleep and go with it.

Babies have their own likes and dislikes and while there is no set manual for what works best, your baby might be giving you signals as to what is a win-win with them. Be it brushing their eyebrows, or the hum of the hair dryer, every parent has one go to option that does the trick. Catch the signal and go with it!

Do you have another epic trick to put your baby to sleep? Let other parents know in the comments below and help them get a good night’s sleep!

Must-know Tips For Caring Your Newborn Baby Thu, 23 Dec 2021 00:11:57 +0000 For first-time parents, the first few months with their newborn can be chaotic and overwhelming. Everyone will give you conflicting tips on how to care for a newborn kid. It can be difficult to know what recommendations to follow when it comes to baby care. It’s tiring and difficult to care for a newborn, but it’s also one of the most lovely and rewarding experiences you’ll ever have.

Taking care of a newborn is obviously a challenge when it is your first time. So, here are ten ways that will assist you in taking care of a newborn baby:

1. Feeding

It is very important to feed the baby on time. A newborn has to be fed every 2 to 3 hours, which means you need to nurse her 8-12 times in 24 hours. An infant should be fed only breast milk for the first 6 months. Breast milk contains vital nutrients and antibodies that are required for a baby’s survival and growth. Nurse the baby for 10 minutes at least. Hold the breast near your baby’s lips until she latches on firmly and starts sucking. If the baby has latched on correctly, the mother will not experience any pain in her nipples. The breast should feel less full once the baby is done the feeding. This is an indication that the baby is getting enough milk. In case breast milk is not an option, feed the baby with a doctor-recommended formula. The baby should get 60 to 90 ml of formula per feeding.

2. Burping

Once the baby is fed, she needs to be burped. Babies swallow air while feeding, which causes gas and colic in their tummies. Burping expels this excess air, thus aiding in digestion and preventing spit-ups and stomach colic. Gently hold the baby against your chest with one hand. Her chin should rest on your shoulder. Pat or stroke her back very gently with your other hand until she burps.

3. How to Hold Your Newborn

It is very important to ensure that you are supporting your baby’s head and neck with one hand while holding her. This is because her neck muscles are not yet strong enough to hold up the head independently. The backbone is also still growing and becoming stronger. The neck will be able to support the head on its own only after 3 months of age. So pay attention to supporting your baby’s head and neck while taking care of a newborn baby.

4. Umbilical Cord Stump Care

An important aspect of newborn baby care in the 1st month is caring for the umbilical cord stump. Give bath 2-6 hours after birth with lukewarm water in a healthy newborn. Keep the navel area clean and dry. Keep the baby’s diaper folded down so that the stump can dry. Disinfect your hands before handling the navel area. To clean, use a damp cloth and dry with a clean, absorbent cloth. Look out for signs of infection in the cord-stump area. If there is redness, swelling, smelly discharge or pus, and bleeding in the navel area, take the baby to a paediatrician.

5. Diapering

Changing diapers frequently is an important aspect when taking care of a newborn baby after delivery. If your baby is getting sufficient breast milk or formula, she will wet at least 6 to 8 diapers in a day, along with regular bowel movements. Change her diaper frequently, as soon as it feels full. You may even have to change it at least 10 times a day. To change a dirty diaper, you will need a changing sheet, gentle diaper wipes, diaper rash cream or baby powder and fresh diapers. In order to prevent UTI, wipe your baby girl from front to back rather than back to front. And let your baby remain without a diaper for a few hours each day.

6. Bathing

Bathing a newborn is a delicate task. The bath is usually given 2-6 hours after birth in a healthy term baby weighing more than 2500 g. However, bathing can be delayed in certain situations such as winter. In a low birth weight infant, bathing should be delayed until the cord has fallen off. You should start bathing the baby 2 to 3 times a week after the cord stump dries and falls off. Make sure you have all the bathing and changing supplies ready before you take the baby for a bath. Bath time just before bedtime helps babies sleep more soundly. You will need an infant bathtub, lukewarm water, mild baby soap or body wash, a washcloth, soft towel, baby lotion or cream, new diaper, and fresh baby clothes. Get your partner or a family member to help, so that one person can hold the baby’s neck and head above the water while the other bathes the baby. Use soap sparingly. Clean the baby’s genitals, scalp, hair, neck, face, and any dried mucous that has collected around the nose with the washcloth. Rinse your baby’s body with lukewarm water. Once this is done, dry the baby’s body with a soft towel, apply lotion and put on a fresh diaper and baby clothes.

7. Massaging

Massaging is a great way to bond with your baby. It also helps in soothing the baby to sleep and in improving blood circulation and digestion. Spread a small quantity of baby oil or lotion on your hands. Next, gently and rhythmically stroke her body. Maintain eye contact with the baby and talk to her when massaging her body. A good time to massage the baby is before her bath.

8. Handling Your Newborn

There are a few things to keep in mind when playing with your baby. Never shake your baby as her internal organs are delicate and can be damaged by vigorous shaking. Do not throw the baby up into the air, as this can be dangerous. Always disinfect or wash your hands before handling the baby, as their immune systems are not fully developed, and they are vulnerable to infections. Ensure that your baby is fastened securely in a stroller, car seat, or baby carrier if you are taking her out. Make your baby lie on her tummy every day for a short while. This will make her neck and back muscles stronger. It will also improve her vision, as she will need to look up and sideways to see.

9. Sleeping

Newborns need to sleep for about 16 hours a day in the first 2 months. They usually take naps that are 2 to 4 hours long and wake up if they are hungry or wet. As the baby needs to be fed every 3 hours, you may need to wake her and feed her. Do not worry in case she does not follow the ideal newborn sleep pattern. Every baby is different and has a different sleep cycle. You should also remember to alternate your baby’s head position while she is sleeping. This prevents the formation of flat spots on the head. Make sure you put the baby to sleep on her back to avoid suffocation. A mother should try to take naps along with the baby. She can also use the time to have a bath or eat a meal peacefully while her baby is asleep.

10. Trimming Nails

Newborn nails grow very fast. The baby may scratch her own face or body with her hand movements. Hence, it is important to keep the baby’s nails trimmed. As the nails of a baby are soft, so use baby nail clippers. Try and trim the nails gently when the baby is asleep. Do not trim it too deeply as the nails are very tender and it could be painful for the baby. Do not trim the edges of the nails as this will cause ingrown nails.

New parents should seek help from family or friends so that they can rest and take care of themselves too. First-time parents of a newborn can be quite perplexed about several aspects of newborn baby care. This article will help new moms care for their newborns with confidence.

How to Keep Your Child Safe At Home: A Room-by-Room Guide Fri, 10 Dec 2021 22:04:45 +0000 Children are enthralled by their surroundings. They have an insatiable urge to discover and learn new things. While you can never totally safeguard kids from getting hurt, the actions below can help you reduce their chances of injury in your home.


The golden rule here is simple; do not leave young children alone in the kitchen. Equip cabinets that contain cleaning products or sharp objects with childproof safety latches. They are easy to install and are not expensive. In addition to this, consider the following:

  • Keep small appliances at the back of counters, and electric cords well out of reach of curious fingers. It’s a good idea to unplug kitchen appliances when you’re not using them. This not only prevents youngsters from operating them, but also avoids potential shocks should one of them pull a connected appliance into a water-filled sink.
  • Store plastic storage bags out of children’s reach. Always tie knots in used plastic bags before you recycle or throw them away. This will keep kids from playing with them and possibly suffering accidental suffocation.
  • Place sharp knives on the top rack of the dishwasher or in the silverware basket with blades down to reduce the risk of injury to a curious child.
  • Fill the detergent dispenser cup of your automatic dishwasher only when you’re ready to run it.
  • Keep pet food and water bowls away from toddlers and infants.
  • Use a covered trash basket, and install a safety latch on the cabinet where it is kept. This will prevent little ones and pets from foraging in trash that may contain broken glass, splintered bones, or poisonous substances.
  • Teach older kids to use appliances safely and with supervision, including the microwave oven, if you use one.
  • Place food and drinks near the centre of a table or at the back of a counter. And avoid using tablecloths except for special occasions: They are easily pulled off by toddlers and pets.
  • Exercise extreme caution around the stove when children are present. Cook on the back burners, and turn the pot handles back out of small children’s sight line and reach. And use safety covers for stove knobs if they are within reach of a young child.
  • It’s also a good idea to always store cookies and other tempting foods away from the stove, and to keep the step stool far from the cooking area.

Living Room and Bedrooms

The following safety measures may be a bit drastic if your home is visited only infrequently by a child, but they are recommended if you have children or grandchildren around regularly.

  • Check furniture placement to be sure everything is secure. TVs are a particular hazard as they are heavy and can tip over easily, especially if on a high shelf. Large wall mirrors and artwork should also be secured.
  • Keep small decorative items out of reach. They can present a choking danger. Put sharp objects away, too.
  • Some recliners can cause serious injuries by closing on a child’s fingers, arm, or head. Choose a recliner model that doesn’t snap shut hard, and keep children away from its scissors-like mechanisms when operating.
  • Likewise, remove any chest or trunk that has a heavy, hinged lid that can fall shut, or make sure the lid is well fastened.
  • Secure electrical cords, especially in traffic zones (but avoid placing them under the carpet, as this is can be a fire hazard).
  • Insert plastic safety caps into all open electrical receptacles, and teach children to stay away from electrical cords and outlets.
  • Install screens and safety rails by fireplaces and on radiators to prevent burns. Keep kids away from wood stoves and space heaters, or avoid using them while small children are present.
  • Keep toddler’s toys on reachable shelves, or else out of sight. Make sure a toy chest has a safety lid. Teach kids not to climb inside furnishings.
  • Use protectors to cover sharp corners on tables and other furniture that children might bump into.
  • Falls are a leading cause of injuries in children. Don’t allow kids unsupervised access to balconies, porches, or windows. And pull any climbable furniture away from windows.
  • A baby’s crib should meet safety regulations. Slats should be no more than 6 cm (2-3/8 in.) apart so a newborn’s head can’t get wedged between, and the mattress should fit snugly. Stop using a crib when the child can climb over its rails.
  • Secure drapery cords out of the reach of children. Don’t place a crib or young child’s bed within reach of these or within reach of electrical cords, outlets, lamps, wall mirrors, or pictures.


Falls on stairs are a leading cause of injuries in children, but a few precautions can reduce the dangers significantly.

  • Use safety gates to keep small children away from stairs. Use only gates that meet current safety standards; older accordion-style gates can trap a child’s arms, legs, or head.
  • Balusters should be close together to keep children and pets from falling through or getting their heads stuck. If balusters are more than 10 cm (4 in.) apart, install a barrier while your kids are young.
  • Be sure the railing is sturdy, and discourage kids from sliding down the banister even when supervised. Otherwise it is pretty sure they will then try it on their own, when you are not around.
  • Wooden stairs and socks or slippers have always been a slippery combination. Carpeted stairs are safer, especially if they have no raised metal edges for the child to trip over. And always keep stairs and landings free of clutter.


Never leave a baby or young child alone in the tub. A toddler can drown in an inch of water. And don’t leave water in an unattended tub. Cut down on other risks by following these suggestions:

  • Purchase a soft cover for the bathtub spout to protect kids from painful collisions with the tub spout.
  • Keep hair dryers and other electrical appliances unplugged, out of reach, and away from sinks and bathtubs to prevent burns and accidental electrocution.
  • Use tub mats to prevent slipping. Non-slip strips and appliqués are often too widely spaced to protect children.
  • Adjust water heater temperature to between 49° and 54°C (120° and 130°F), which is hot enough for an adult shower, but not so hot that it could scald a child. Make it a habit to turn faucets off tightly so they’re not easy for children to turn on.
  • Keep cologne, makeup, bubble bath, and other hazardous products in a closed cabinet, out of reach and sight.
Awesome Tips For Parents That Solve Almost All Problems in the Future Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:16:20 +0000 by

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor and, fortunately, it can be prevented. For example, if you’re a parent, there are many specific situations that can cause your back pain. And if you know what they are, you can try to avoid them, or change the way you do something, like the way you carry your baby.

Use the baby carrier correctly

  • If you’re carrying the baby in a front carrier, pull them up as high as possible.
  • Make sure that the baby is also very close to you, which means that the carrier should be tightened. This will reduce the strain on your back.
  • When your child starts to weigh around 20 pounds, switch to wearing them on your back. If they get too heavy, but you continue wearing them on your front, it can cause lower back pain.

Try not to slouch when using a stroller

Keep your back straight when pushing your baby’s stroller. If you slouch, it can strain your back muscles and cause spinal misalignment.
To put your child in and take them out of the stroller, get into a squatting position

Sit comfortably when breastfeeding

  • Sit in a chair that provides you with good back support.
  • Instead of leaning over to reach the baby’s mouth, bring their mouth up to you. You can use pillows or blankets to prop up the baby and bring them closer to your chest.

Be careful when lifting your baby from their bed

  • Before you start lifting, pull your baby closer to your chest. That way you won’t have to stretch out your arms.
  • Don’t bend at the waist to pick your baby up. Instead, bend at your hips. Tighten your core muscles and use your legs to lift the baby.

Don’t bend over to pick your baby up from the floor

  • Go into a squat position and tighten your stomach muscles.
  • Place the baby as close to your chest as possible to avoid extending your arms.
  • Use your leg strength to lift them up.

Make it easier to lift your baby from a high chair

When you put your baby in or take them out of a high chair, remove the tray. That way, you won’t have to strain to try to place your baby in the narrow space between the tray and the back of the chair. You also won’t have to lift the baby up and over the tray.

Be aware of your posture when playing

When you’re playing with your child, it’s easy to forget that you have to sit with your back straight to avoid back pain. However, try to be mindful of your posture, and also keep your head and neck above your shoulders.

Don’t carry your baby on one hip

  • It might seem easier and more comfortable to hold your baby on one hip. However, when you put the weight of your child on just one side of your body, it can create an imbalance and lead to back problems.
  • That’s why it’s better to hold your child against your chest and support them with both hands

Sit inside the car when putting your baby in their car seat

  • Car seats are heavy, so don’t try to put them in the car with the baby already in the seat. Instead, secure the seat first, and only then place the baby inside.
  • Don’t stand outside when you’re putting your baby in the car seat. Because the safest seat for them is in the middle, you can sit down on one of the side seats with your baby in your lap, and then place them in the baby seat.

Choose baby equipment with an appropriate height

  • To avoid bending down when you’re changing diapers, pick a changing table that’s higher than your waist. To add more support, you can put one foot up on a stool or a bottom drawer.
  • In general, if you’re concerned about your back health, choose baby equipment that’s higher off the ground. For example, instead of bouncers, you could buy a baby swing.
