outdoor – LoreVista https://lorevista.com Make Your Day Wed, 29 Dec 2021 15:21:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://lorevista.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/cropped-Black-Vintage-Emblem-Tree-Logo-1-32x32.png outdoor – LoreVista https://lorevista.com 32 32 231211893 Brilliant Camping Suggestions for Any Situation https://lorevista.com/brilliant-camping-suggestions-for-any-situation/ Wed, 29 Dec 2021 15:19:46 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=28147 Getting away from the city, whether for a long camping trip or a weekend picnic, is usually a good idea.

An umbrella hung upside down from a branch is a great way to protect food from marauding ants

If you’re planning a feast around the campfire, take some tin foil with you. This works wonders for keeping food fresh, allowing you to prepare things like…potatoes with chicken and cheese. 

Learn how to make tasty banana smores right here

The best camping food: make a strip of dough, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, twist on a skewer, and roast over the campfire

If you have an old Tic Tac box or a tablet organizer, you can use them for bringing various spices or other little bits and pieces with you on your trip

Instead of taking a big bar of soap with you everywhere you go, just cut off a small slice for use when you’re away.

A Swedish torch is a campfire made from just one log that can burn for several hours. They’re easy to cook food on, working just the same way as your stove at home. Out in the wild, glasses and cups are always getting lost or spilling everywhere. Use a muffin tray to overcome this problem.

You can effectively keep food protected with a shower cap

Lots of little things we need on a daily basis can easily disappear when on a camping trip. If you lose your spoon, make a new one from a plastic bottle.

Bottles of frozen water can help keep other food and drink chilled when heading out for a picnic

You can make instant coffee packets using coffee filters and dental floss

Waterproofing matches

The simplest way to waterproof matches is to dip the match heads in the toothpaste.

Amazing Ideas For Upgrading Your Outdoor Area https://lorevista.com/amazing-ideas-for-upgrading-your-outdoor-area/ Sun, 24 Oct 2021 12:15:55 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=19170 In this current moment when many of us are staying home, one of the best remedies to help alleviate some of the stress is to head outside and get some fresh air — preferably at least six feet or more away from your neighbor. If you’re lucky enough to have an outdoor space, whether you have a sprawling backyard or a smidgen of a patio, make the most of it with these seven ideas for improving your outdoor area.

Curate an outdoor lounge space

Had to cancel a beach vacation you planned for spring break or summer? Set up an outdoor lounge space on your patio or in the yard to give your outdoor space a tropical feel. You can either scour the internet for lounge chairs, chaise lounges, hammocks and outdoor sectionals, or create your own, like a one-of-a-kind outdoor lounge bed. All you need to complete this project is a platform bed frame, a futon mattress and outdoor fabric to cover it. (If you’re not handy with the sewing machine, this would be a simple task for a local upholsterer to tackle.) Plop some outdoor pillows on top for added comfort and style.

To complete your lounge, add in some side tables, a few candles and maybe a glass of wine to create that all-inclusive atmosphere.

DIY outdoor movie theater

The movie theaters may be off limits for now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t re-create the experience in your own private outdoor space. Though you’ve likely seen elaborate backyard movie theater setups, it doesn’t have to be complicated: All you need is a white sheet that can be tautly mounted on a flat surface (a shed or siding on your apartment patio will do just fine), a projector and your phone to play movies, TV shows or whatever else you’re binging these days.

Don’t have access to a projector? It’s surprisingly simple to make one out of a shoe box, some cardboard and a magnifying glass. Round up your favorite patio chairs or arrange your outdoor cushions, make some popcorn and enjoy your movie with the background noise of the crickets chirping.

Create an outdoor bar

It may be a while before you can go back to your favorite dive bar or swanky cocktail lounge, so why not create your own for your outdoor space? You can, of course, buy a bar online, or you can repurpose an old table or desk — or even get crafty with some cinder blocks, concrete glue and a few 1 x 6 boards to create your very own. Gather your Bluetooth speaker, your favorite cocktail ingredients and a few glasses to get the ambiance of your favorite bar right at home. Here are a few ideas for inspiration, including bars you can squeeze into the smallest of outdoor spaces.

Beautify a barn or shed

A barn or a shed is a utilitarian structure, but that doesn’t mean it has to be an eyesore. Spruce it up by painting it a bold color, attaching some shutters, adding some flower boxes, installing a stone path or even stringing up some lights to zhuzh up that forgotten space in the backyard.

DIY fire pit

Just because many of the state parks or campsites are closed doesn’t mean you have to miss out on everyone’s favorite camping activity: the campfire. You can easily create a DIY fire pit for your backyard in seven steps, which only requires a few supplies you can pick up curbside at your local home improvement store. Not a big DIYer? You can always buy a prefab fire bowl that’s just as effective at creating that warm, cozy campfire glow.

Make an al fresco dining destination

We’re all getting a little tired of eating in our kitchens (or, maybe in front of our televisions) night after night. Mix it up a little by making an al fresco dining destination in your backyard or patio. In addition to an outdoor dining table and chairs, lay down an outdoor rug and string up a strand of lights or craft yourself an outdoor chandelier to transform your evening meals.

Create a meditation zone

Missing your yoga studio? You can still do a restorative practice and a shavasana at home — and make it even better by creating a meditation zone in your backyard. Plant a garden with calming scents like lavender or jasmine, create a stepping stone path to your meditation spot or even build yourself a standing tent or cabana with curtains that blow in the warm, calming breeze.

The Best Annual Flowers For Your Balcony https://lorevista.com/the-best-annual-flowers-for-your-balcony/ Mon, 16 Aug 2021 08:35:10 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=13499 These beautiful annual flowers can thrive in containers, making them perfect candidates for the planter pots on your deck and balcony.

Thunbergia (Black-Eyed Susan Vine)

Commonly known as the Black-eyed Susan vine, thunbergia is one of the best annual flowers for pots where you can provide some sort of trellis or stake. (Alternatively, it’s a beautiful choice for hanging baskets.) The heart-shaped leaves are accented by five-petaled flowers in white, cream, yellow or orange with the deep-maroon central eye. Some rare varieties have rose or variegated petals. Thunbergia also makes a great flowering plant for indoor gardeners, so you may want to bring yours in for the winter.


This is a graceful, compact annual flower for pots, perfect for the ‘spilling over the edges of a container effect. Its foliage is strewn with petite white or lavender flowers. Once established it will flower until a hard frost. There are several cultivars available with variegated foliage, and all will grow well in sun to partial shade.


A staple of hanging containers and other planters for many years, fuchsia is a hummingbird magnet. It boasts pendulous, bell-shaped flowers in rich shades of rose, cream and purple. The flowers are often bicolour. These annual plants do best in partial shade, as they don’t like overly hot growing conditions. If your climate is very warm, provide protection from the sun from midday onwards to keep your fuchsias happy. Deadheading spent flowers will prolong the bloom period until frost, especially if you fertilize every two to four weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer.


Sometimes called Callies, trailing petunia or million-bells, these relations of petunias have become a staple of many container plantings because they’re so easy to care for. Unlike petunias, you don’t need to deadhead callies to keep them flowering, as they drop their spent flowers and bloom until frost. There’s a veritable rainbow of flower colours: rose, red, orange, yellow, bronze, violet, purple, and many bicolours. Callies will grow well in full sun and don’t collapse in high heat conditions as long as they are well watered.


Sometimes called Floss flower, ageratum produces clusters of tuft-like flowers in blue, violet, white, or burgundy (a newer colour introduction in the past few years). Well suited to full sun or partial shade, most varieties are less than 12 inches tall, making them great candidates for window boxes or fillers in larger containers. If you find your ageratum becoming untidy, cut back your plant to a third of its height every couple of weeks. This will generate sturdy new shoot growth and plenty of new flowers.


If you have a nice sunny spot, you can easily grow Osteospermums, a type of African daisy. Once established, they will bloom until frost with regular deadheading. They come in a rainbow of colours from soft yellow and peach to deep purple, with some blended colours in newer varieties. If you’re looking for something a little different, one specialized line of osteospermums has petals that are spoon-shaped instead of the standard daisy shape.


An ideal annual for sunny containers providing you keep it well watered, nemesia grows less than a foot tall and is a great annual flower for pots because it bushes out well. This plant has many shoots bearing sprays of delicate flowers in a rainbow of shades and colour combinations. Nemesia grows easily from seed. You can also purchase the speciality cultivars to get unusual colour combinations. Some varieties are fragrant, which makes them a great choice for containers on decks or along walkways where everyone can enjoy their scent.


If you love scented plants, you’ll adore heliotrope. Its fragrance ranges from a light baby powder scent to sweeter smells like cream soda, vanilla, or cherry pie. The plant’s glossy, deep green foliage is topped by clusters of tiny florets in dark purple, or (less commonly) white. This compact (15-inch maximum) annual resents soil that is too dry and will be chilled by cool nights, so keep it well watered and don’t plant it outdoors too early in the spring.

How To Easily Make Your Own Water Blob For This Summer https://lorevista.com/how-to-easily-make-your-own-water-blob-for-this-summer/ Sat, 10 Jul 2021 17:40:31 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=10961 Our kids love being outdoors, and they often find things to do with water. They love all backyard water games from water balloon fights to running through the sprinkler. So, you should start making a water blob for your children. Check out our tutorial to make a water blob within an hour.

What you’ll need

Water blob supplies including plastic, scissors, hose, and duct tape

  • 10’x25′ Plastic Sheeting – I used a 3 Millimeter, but I’ve also seen a 6-millimeter sheeting that you could use.
  • Duct Tape – You can find patterned or colored duct tape to make the water blob stand out more!
  • Scissors
  • Hose & Water
  • Small towel

These supplies are enough to make two water blobs AND they’re reusable to an extent, so you’re getting a lot of value with this DIY. Here’s how to make your water blob:

Step 1. Cut Your Plastic Sheeting to Size

To begin with, cut your plastic sheet to your desired dimensions. Then, fold the sheet in half and then line up along the corners.

Using one folded side means you only have to tape 3 sides, which saves a bit of time.

Step 2. Start Sealing Your Blob

To get started, tape the corners and make sure there is a good seal. Make sure to overlap the corner pieces for extra support.

Then tear off a long strip of the duct tape and lay it underneath the bottom layer of the sheeting. Fold against itself the top layer to create the seal.

Repeat this along the 3 sides, leaving a small gap at one corner for the hose to fit in.

Step 3. Fill Your Blob

Once you have sealed all sides, place the empty blob in the area where you want to play (Once it’s full you won’t be moving it!).

I suggest a VERY flat surface for the blob. My backyard has a slight tilt to it, which made the water blob fill heavier on one side. This weight change eventually made the blob roll over itself and roll down the tilt to the bottom. Surprisingly the duct tape held up super well, even while the blob rolled along and settled a few feet away.

After you’ve picked a good spot, have your little helper turn on the hose for you. If you have older kids this is a great time for them to hold the hose in or push out any air bubbles in the sheeting.

When it is almost full, hold the corner up and turn off the hose. Grab the towel and dry off the corner. Seal the remaining portion off with duct tape. Check for holes and leaks and repair/reseal as needed.

Water Blob Notes and Tips

  • I never had to repair my blog, but as the kids’ heels pull on the sheeting you may need to do some repair work. This is fairly easy to do by wiping off the area and placing a piece of duct tape on it. The more full of water your blob is, the more pressure will be put on the plastic, and the higher the chance of holes or tears.
  • Air pockets are normal. They add a cool bubbly effect to the blob!
  • You can reuse your blob! Just pull back the host entry area you used to fill it up and drain it. Then, drape it over a table, some chairs, or even a fence to dry out a bit. I emptied this one and used it again the next day when the neighbors came over to play. Just note that some mildew might set in eventually if it doesn’t fully dry out.
  • Add flat foam shapes like these to your water blob before taping and watch them move around as you play.
  • Add a sprinkler. If you want to add some water to the outside of the blob, you can turn on a sprinkler for more fun! Just watch out cause it’ll get slippery!

Final Thoughts

This project was very straightforward and easy to make. The water blob was very durable too, which I was originally skeptical about. I was so surprised at how well the duct tape held it all together and how the plastic sheeting never ripped for me!

The kids will love feeling the water as they lay, jump, or slide on the water blob without getting wet.

Altogether I spent $15 for all of the supplies ($10 for the 10′ x 25′ plastic sheeting, $4.50 for duct tape), AND I have enough supplies left over to make another water blob on a different day!

15 Gorgeous Design Ideas That Will Level Up Outdoor Privacy Space https://lorevista.com/15-gorgeous-design-ideas-that-will-level-up-outdoor-privacy-space/ Tue, 06 Jul 2021 16:31:37 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=10604 If you are planning to upgrade your backyard to new looks, a list of the 15 design ideas for outdoor privacy space here is some of the perfect choices. these ideas here not only give you private space but also so bring a great place to relax with beautiful and charming decoration. Check them out with us.

1. Porch Draperies

Curtains made from outdoor fabrics were used to create instant privacy on this charming porch.

2.  Portrait Gallery and Casual Dining Space

This delightful patio is the perfect spot for afternoon tea. It features a towering hedge that serves as an organic art gallery wall complete with an outdoor TV screen and audio system.

3. City Garden With Salvaged Wood Wall and Potting Table

In this small urban patio, a salvaged wood wall and potting table satisfy the city gardener. Climbing vines and potted plants, including a terrarium, create a lush space, while a candelabra adds ambiance for outdoor dining.

4. Modern Zen California Backyard

A standard suburban cinderblock fence is disguised with an ipe-wood wall with a built-in water feature.

5. Hanging Outdoor Wall

Wooden privacy screens section off this rustic porch sitting area. The modern herringbone design creates a stylish twist on a basic door.

6. Herb Garden Wall

This vertical garden is a perfect combination of low-maintenance and high function. A drip irrigation system provides water at the right time to keep fresh herbs thriving.

7. Rooftop Escape

Shoji-style walls provide shade and privacy to this Chicago rooftop patio. ‘Green Velvet’ boxwood (on the right) and Arctic Blue-leaf Willow lend some green to the setting.

8. Modern Seattle Courtyard

A cozy outdoor seating area is illuminated by LED string lights in a modern courtyard. A high privacy fence creates a sense of seclusion under the shade of trees original to space.

9. Upper Walls

Screens placed above planter boxes block the afternoon sun and any nosy neighbors that might be peaking into the yard.

10. Hot Tub Wall

Sometimes a soak in the hot tub is best without a bathing suit. The extra privacy wall next to the hot tub makes that possible without offending any of the neighbors.

11. Vertical Pocket Planter Walls

Vertical fabric planter walls provide privacy screening for this outdoor dining room. The decorative light fixture adds a delicate design element that pulls the space together.

12. Dress the Back Wall

A plain white cinderblock wall was given a serious dose of style with the addition of a corrugated rusted wall and fire feature

13. Rusted Metal Wall Screen Near Backyard Pool

A rusted metal screen conceals pool equipment, enhances privacy, and adds character and texture to this Southwestern backyard.

14. Corrugated Wall and Window Boxes

You can use corrugated metal to build a privacy wall and create a backdrop for a fun gathering space. To make the unusual fire pit, a gas line was run through the recycled metal bucket then filled with lava rock

15. Windbreaker and Privacy Wall

This slated ornamental wall serves a few purposes. It lends privacy to the gathering space, helps shield the fire pit from wind, and lastly, it looks great.

20 Wonderful DIY Green House Ideas For Any Space https://lorevista.com/20-wonderful-diy-green-house-ideas-for-any-space/ Sun, 04 Jul 2021 22:13:27 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=10436 A greenhouse can help you maintain a warm temperature all year so that your plants can thrive, even when there is frost on the ground. In this post, you’ll see 20 different DIY garden ideas that are very easy to make and useful to have for your garden. You will see a number of large greenhouses as well as small domes, windows, and other ideas that you can use when you only have a few plants.

1. A Rectangular Garden With a Pop-Top Design

Credit: apartmenttherapy.com

Reminiscent of pioneer days, this canvas-covered greenhouse keeps all of your plants warm and cozy but is still super accessible for maintenance and watering. The sturdy canvas top makes this a great choice for nearly any home, and the simple 2×4 frame can be crafted by even the most novice DIYer.

2. A Garden Space with a Windowed Top

Credit: simplycountrylife.blogspot.com

This sturdy gardening space can be perfectly nestled against any exterior wall. Your plants will thank you for the safe, solid walls and the durable, warm glass. Just make sure to situate your garden on the side of your home or garage that gets the best sunlight.

3. A Dome-Shaped Green House with Small Plots

Credit: sowanddipity.com

This simple and cute garden project is great for any home gardener, no matter how big or limited your space. This domed plotted garden can be made quickly, cheaply, and simply – all of the DIYer’s favorite adverbs. Grow your peas in peace with this small but sturdy greenhouse.

4. An Igloo-Inspired Walk-in Garden Green House

Credit: northernhomestead.com

A geodome is a dream for any gardener who is forced to deal with sub-optimal gardening conditions. Being elevated off the ground, this igloo-Esque space keeps your crops safe from frost and allows them space and warmth necessary to flourish. Apart from being super functional, this greenhouse also has an attractive look.

5. Large Shed-Shaped DIY Green House Ideas

Credit: theelliotthomestead.com

A larger greenhouse, even one you make yourself, is still going to be an investment of both time and money. However, with an end result as large and functional as this, all that hard work will be well worth it. This beautiful greenhouse will certainly keep your plants safe and requires little upkeep once it has been completed.

6. Small Green House Designed Using an Umbrella

Credit: gardentherapy.ca

This adorable umbrella-style pop-up greenhouse not only protects your small potted plants but adds personality to your garden. Looking as though they are about to head on a stroll in the rain, these umbrella covers are durable, inexpensive, and – best of all – easy to use. Consider buying multiples to cover all your plants, and you’ll have a garden ready for April showers.

7. Small A-Frame Garden With an Easy-Access Roof

Credit: megacrafty.com

The best DIY projects are ones that take discarded things that are lying around the home and transform them into something awesome. This little greenhouse is made entirely of CD cases. A petite greenhouse like this can be made to fit into gardens with even the most limited space. Just gather some old cases from the bygone days of discs and you’re set.

8. A Trellis Designed to Maintain the Heat

Sometimes it seems impossible to keep plants safe while they bloom. That is why this plastic wrap plant cage is a great at-home method to keep your favorite veggies growing strong, safe from the reach of deer, pets, and children. For this project, you only need plastic wrap and a tomato cage.

9. Full-Sized Windows Doors for Easy Sunlight Access

Credit: designdreamsbyanne.blogspot.com

A shabby chic lean-to greenhouse will fit snuggly against any garage or garden shed and, with a little imagination, can be crafted from a few used doors, some old windows, and mismatched pieces of lumber. Add your own personality by choosing fun hinges and door handles or by splashing on a coat of your favorite paint.

10. A Rectangular Garden with a Slanted Roof

Credit: homesteadingongrace.com

If you don’t have room to keep your favorite plants inside but are on a budget, then this $75 greenhouse is perfect for you. Made with easy-to-find hardware store supplies, you can put this together on your own in just an hour or two. Follow the plans outlined or make simple modifications to adjust the size.

11. A Glass Box for Your Gardening Needs

Credit: designdreamsbyanne.blogspot.com

This glass box is perfect for displaying your plants and trinkets while keeping them safe and warm. Storm windows are a popular and trustworthy way to add glass to your garden and can usually be found second hand, and sometimes even for free. Insert a few hooks on the inside and you can hang some garden-style odds and ends to add personality.

12. A DIY Greenhouse that’s easy to Create

Credit: goodshomedesign.com

For as elaborate as this greenhouse appears, it can be accomplished by any ambitious DIYer. The best part of this design is that it is made entirely from used windows. With this in mind, be sure to make modifications to the project as necessary to fit your windows and capture as much sunlight as possible.

13. Large Green House Idea; Perfect for a Garden

Credit: halcyontimes.wordpress.com

When planning to build a greenhouse, be sure to consider what sort of lifespan you are anticipating. If you would like to create a piece that is meant to last year in and year out, then take the extra time to create this traditional and well-structured design. Creating raised beds is a pro-tip that will help expand the life of your plants.

14. A Small, Framed Green House Terrarium

Credit: ellaclaireinspired.com

If you are trying to create something that matches your farmhouse décor while keeping your houseplants safe from that curious kitty, then find some old frames and create your own sweet and simple masterpiece. Add your own trinkets or accents to make this tiny indoor greenhouse feel right at home.

15. White Framed Green House with Many Stories

Credit: instructables.com

Mixing and matching have never looked so good or been so functional. If you are hoping to keep your greenhouse low cost, then keep your eyes peeled for any old windows, then get creative fitting them together in sometimes surprising ways. For continuity, paint them all your favorite garden color and add vintage hinges to match.

16. Easy to Create DIY Green House Ideas

Credit: myoutdoorplans.com

These DIY plans will help you craft a lean-to greenhouse that can function just as well on the farm or in the suburbs. With many helpful tips and tricks, these plans will guide you through every step in the greenhouse building process, from materials and dimensions to finishing touches. Follow these steps and your plans will soon be blooming in all seasons.

17. Gardening Warmth in the Hay Bales

Credit: appalachianfeet.com

Hay works well to keep in the warmth and provides a natural and safe environment for your plants. Also, this particular hay greenhouse requires no tools besides your own two hands. In fact, the only materials are exactly what you see – hay bales and windows. Greenhouses don’t get simpler or more down-home than this.

18. A Single-Sized Rustic Green House For Plants

Credit: lizmarieblog.com

In this adorable addition to the garden, the greenhouse design meets the tiny home movement. Its large height and A-frame roof make it an eye-catching piece without taking up the space of a full-sized greenhouse. Choose your favorite potted plant to be the lucky resident, or, if your plants are more the social type, embrace the fairy tale feel and add a special gnome.

19. A Garden Space with a Fold-Away Top

Credit: fabartdiy.com

You don’t have to reimagine your entire backyard space to create an effective greenhouse. With these ingeniously simple DIY plans, you can take advantage of any flat wall – whether your house, the garage, or the garden shed – as the structural support for this fold-down, fold-up greenhouse. It rests inconspicuously against the wall when not in use, and provides the perfect balmy environment when drawn down.

20. An Indoor Garden With Exterior Gardening Space

Credit: ana-white.com

This is a DIY greenhouse project for the ages. With long planting rows, a chicken wire wall for climbing plants, a door large enough to fit a wheelbarrow, and plenty of walking space inside, this greenhouse is the perfect way to upgrade your garden. What’s more, the instructions page also includes images and plans for outdoor raised garden beds.

20 Unique DIY Solar Light Projects That’ll Help You Save A Lot Of Money https://lorevista.com/20-unique-diy-solar-light-projects-thatll-help-you-save-a-lot-of-money/ Fri, 02 Jul 2021 10:18:18 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=10235 Whipping up these DIY solar lighting will not leave you with empty pockets. Whether you need to install the best ornamental lights for a festival or event outdoor or you need the permanent garden light fixtures on a budget, these garden ideas will great for every situation and purpose.

These DIY solar lights remove the electrical wire mess and daily power ON and OFF button schedules. They will be independent of electric supply and will stand free anywhere without tangles of electrical supply wires.

1. Build a Solar Cedar Path Light

Credit: build basic

The lights in your garden really add to the beauty of the spaces. So bring some wooden charm to your outdoors by installing this DIY solar cedar light. With only a few wooden boards and pieces, you can easily shape up this wooden light post with adjustable DIY light and a top-mounted solar panel.

2. DIY Waterdrop Solar Lights

Credit: thenavagepatch

Bring utter charm and delight to your garden decor with these awesome and unique DIY waterdrop solar lights. There is a big list of the variety of things you would need to shape this eye-catchy light source in the outdoors.

3. Hanging Solar Light Chandelier

Credit: gardentherapy

Chandeliers are the desire of every home decor lover, but they are too expensive to afford. Here is the cheap but totally rich in style and beauty solar light chandelier. You would need a wire basket, crystal, solar light stake, and some chains to install this chandelier and hang it over your tree.

4. Stunning Garden Solar Light

Credit: Total backyard

This stunning DIY garden solar light is surely going to spruce up your garden decor. The best thing is it is super easy and cheap to make on your own at home. The solar light’s wooden post is made from an old wooden lamp with a solar light on the top. Paint up the post in your desired hues for a perfectly customized look.

5. Beach Glass Solar Lights

Credit: gardentherapy

Here are the double functional beach glass solar lights for your outdoor spaces. This DIY beach glass solar lights project is super easy to make and brings oodles of charm to your spaces. A mini beach with moss, beach glasses, and shells has been created inside the jar, and when it glows, it looks just ethereal.

6. Cedar Cube Solar Landscape Lights

Credit: thenavagepatch

Enjoy an upgraded look of your outdoor landscape by adding these DIY cedar cube solar lights to your spaces. These solar lights with spiky ends find a perfect fitting into these wooden cedar cubical posts and look just so woodishly charming. The lights are perfect for your backyard, garden, and patio as well.

7. DIY Tin Can Solar Lantern

Credit: craftiments

One of the best ways to recycle tin cans is to make these adorable and totally functional tin can solar lanterns. Add a hanging wire to the tin can, pierce some holes in a pattern to let the light come out and lastly, hold a solar light inside.

8. Flower Stand with Solar Light

Credit: simplysouthern

Here is another two one garden decor project with this idea of a flower stand with solar light. The gorgeous aqua-stained flower pots create a lovely tiered flower stand to charm up the garden beauty. Solar light has been installed on its top to arouse its utility to provide you light in style.

9. DIY Spilling Solar Lights for Garden

Credit: thenavagepatch

We are so lost in the view when cherishing a glance of these DIY spilling solar lights for the garden. The illusion of the golden light spilling out of the black teapot looks just so mesmerizing. The good thing is that you can easily make one at home with the cheapest and feasible supplies lying around.

10. How to Make a Solar Powered Fairy House

Credit: creativegreen

We love decorating our garden spaces with fantasy things like this fairy house. Now you can charm up the fairy house’s beauty and appeal by adding some solar lights to it. The gorgeous stones around the fairy house look just so good for the landscape and lights to add icing to the cake.

11. Solar Address Sign Gift for Dad

Credit: theseasonalhome

It’s time to boost up the outdoors, and you can start by installing this solar address lantern for your frontal garden. The lantern is supported through solar charging and has the house number on it to look and perform more functional roles in your spaces.

12. Build A Nocturnal Solar Light Bulb

Credit: instructables

Save electricity with this solar project of making a nocturnal solar light bulb for your outdoor areas. It can charge up all day under the sun and provide you ample light at night. You can easily install this energy-saving solar light bulb using the bulb’s basic supplies in a mason jar.

13. Mason Jar Solar Lights

Credit: gardentherapy

Enjoy adoring these cheapest but completely gorgeous Mason jar solar lights for your outdoors. These adorable mason jar lights are super easy and cheap to make at home right this weekend. So get your hands on some stake solar lights and the mason jars to install these garden light beauties.

14. Dollar Store Glass Garden Mushrooms

Summers are all about the colors, and now you can add these colors to your DIY garden decor with the help of solar lights. These dollar store DIY solar lights are so easy and cheap to make and bring the charm of summer hues to your spaces.

15. DIY Solar Light Hanging Chandelier

Credit: hallstromhome

No light bulb or lantern can bring the kind of charm and beauty in your decor that a chandelier can create. The chandelier’s magnanimous size and the rich style really add perks of beauty and embellishment to your spaces. Now you can install this cheap and easy DIY solar light hanging chandelier in your yards or gardens on your own.

16. DIY Mason Jars Solar Light

Credit: u-createcrafts

Lights are the need for every outdoor space, be it a deck, yard, or garden. Now you can install these super simple but highly gorgeous and chic Mason jar solar lights in your outdoor areas. The lids are solar-powered, and jars’ insides are filled with acrylic gems to create a whimsical glowing view.

17. DIY Solar Light Post Using 4×4 Boards

Credit: anikasdiylife

Make your front doors look just super welcoming and impressive with some additions like these solar lights with wooden boards. Yes, the lights have installed ove4*4 wooden cubical posts to look just so rustic and warm for your outdoor decor.

18. DIY Bamboo Solar Lights with a Boho Vibe

Credit: swoonworthy

If you want to bring some natural vibes to your outdoor seating areas, then make these bamboo solar lights. You can hang them over the seating and enjoy a perfectly subtle effect being added to your spaces. Either patio or the deck, these bamboo lights are going to fit all the areas.

19. How To Make Solar Power Outdoor Lights

Credit: justmeasurin

Shift your outdoor lights to solar power and save your electric energy. With a gorgeous globe lamp and a solar panel, you can easily install this solar power outdoor light on your own. You would also need some wooden boards to shape the post that would connect both the panel and the lamp.

20. Upcycled Lantern Solar Lights

Credit: stowandtellu

If you visit the thrift store next, you will surely pick up some cheap lanterns from there. The reason is this project of upcycled lantern solar lights that you can make from them. Get two types of lanterns, paint them in your desired hues and place them on the same hued wooden bases, and it’s done.

15 Awesome Summer Backyard Ideas On A Budget-Friendly https://lorevista.com/15-awesome-summer-backyard-ideas-on-a-budget-friendly/ Wed, 30 Jun 2021 16:54:58 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=10158 Getting your backyard for summer doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. In fact, there are many things that you can do that will cost very little and will make a massive improvement in your outdoor living spaces. Here are awesome hints for decorating your backyard in the summer.

From planting a small flower garden to sprucing up your outdoor furniture, many of these projects will take you less than a day to complete and some may not cost you anything at all if you have a few basic supplies on hand.

Whether you choose one project or choose them all, we are certain that you will find something that will instantly improve your outdoor décor and give you a great reason to get outside this summer.

1. Put Up Cupcake Lights

Whether you are planning a summer evening get-together or you just want to add a sweet little decorative element to the backyard, these cupcake lights are divine. You just run a string of lights and then cover the lights with cupcake liners.

Note: For outdoors, you’ll need to remove the liners whenever it rains but these are great for outdoor entertaining. You can use different colors and designs or just make them all the same. It’s a sweet way to decorate your outdoors without spending a lot of money.

2. Make A Rainbow Trampoline

You can make your backyard trampoline much prettier (not to mention safer) by cutting pool noodles and inserting them around the edges of the springs. Pool noodles are about a buck each at the Dollar Store and you won’t need very many. Just cut them the length needed to cover the springs and then make a slit on one side to insert it.

If your trampoline has a net, you can also cover areas of that and make it really rainbow-ish. This makes it much safer for little ones who may get hurt on metal springs and it brings a lot of color to your backyard.

3. Add Steel Pipe Garden Edging

This is one of the most unique and least expensive ways to pretty up your flower gardens. It gives you a lot of added planting space as well. You just take old steel pipes and insert them into the ground around your flower bed. Then just fill the inside of the pipe with potting soil and use that to plant smaller flowers or succulents. You can actually paint the pipes first with spray paint if you aren’t a fan of the old, rusty look but either way, this is a beautiful way to frame your garden and add some extra space as well.

4. Paint the Patio

It will cost very little and take very little time to add a bit of color to your patio. If you have a tile patio, you can simply paint a few of the tiles in bright colors, which will instantly add an interesting element. Choose colors that will match your home’s exterior or your patio furniture. This is a great way to bring a bit of the tropics into your backyard for summer and since it’s cheap and easy.

5. Build a Backyard Couch

With just a few cinderblocks, a few pieces of lumber, and some cushions, you can create a beautiful and very comfortable couch for your backyard. You just have to stack the blocks and insert the boards through the holes. You will want to use concrete adhesive to ensure that they don’t fall when someone sits on the couch. Then just add a cushion or two and you have a wonderful couch that is both attractive and cheap to build. It’s also really easy. It should only take an hour or so to complete or longer if you are planning to make the cushions.

6. Build an Outdoor Coffee Table

A metal bucket and lumber will enable you to create a lovely coffee table for your deck or patio and one that has additional storage for things that you don’t want to get wet in the rain. You can find an old galvanized bucket at yard sales, flea markets or thrift stores if you don’t already have one and the lumber is really inexpensive. You can also use any plywood that you already have on hand, which will make this little project cost absolutely nothing. You’ll have to cut the plywood into a circular shape and ensure that you get it the right size. Overall, this project shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours.

7. Build a Living Tee Pee

You can use any number of materials to create a living tee pee and your children will adore playing in them. From bean poles to twigs, there are several things that can make up the base, and then you just have to choose what you want for the cover. If you want to plant beans, this is a great way to give your backyard a little pick me up and grow some fresh veggies at the same time. You can also do this with flowers, which will look beautiful when they are blooming, and give your yard a burst of color along with a playhouse for the kids.

8. Make Chair Planters

Old chairs, flowers, and your backyard spell fun, color, and beautiful outdoor décor. If you have some old wooden chairs that can’t be used any longer (if you don’t you can get them pretty cheap) then you just have to remove the seat and turn those old chairs into beautiful planters. You can paint them different colors if you really want a lot of colors outdoors and then add container plants that will bloom in contrasting colors. The chairs look great in flower beds, on decks and patios, or just sitting in the yard under a tree.

9. Create a Terra Cotta Pot Table

You can create a beautiful side table from a terra cotta pot, a terra cotta tray, and some outdoor paint. The actual size of the table will depend on the size of the pots that you use. If you want a relatively large table, choose a large pot and tray. Once you have this all assembled, which doesn’t really take very long, you can use it for additional storage. Just lift up the top and put whatever you want inside. If you have an old pot and tray on hand, this one won’t cost anything. Even if you have to buy them, it’s still a really inexpensive table that is perfect for the backyard.

10. Make an Old Fashioned Rope Swing

Having a rope swing hanging from a tree in the backyard is a great sight. Your kids will absolutely love swinging on it, too. You don’t need a lot in order to make this swing, either. You need a pine disc cut into a circle which you can find at your local hardware or home improvement store – or you could cut one yourself. Make sure that there is a hole in the center of your disc and then just knot the rope on the bottom and hang the other end over a sturdy branch.

11. Add a Water Blob

No, that’s not a type – you can add a wonderful water blob to your backyard and give your kids hours of fun this summer. A water blog gives the kids somewhere to jump and play without worries of actually being in the water and trust us when we say that they will love this. You can make the blob from the painter’s plastic and if you take an iron to the edges before you add the water, it won’t leak. Just make it the size that you want, fill it with water and then let the fun begin.

12. Diaper Your Hanging Planters

Yep, diaper them. If you have planters hanging from the back porch or deck, they are sure to leak from time to time, leaving you with unsightly wet spots everywhere. A better way, and one that actually helps to keep your plants healthier, is to add a diaper to the planter before adding the plant. The diaper will soak up water, ensuring that there are no leaks. The diaper also holds the water so your plants will not become dry as quickly, which makes them look healthier and more beautiful and ultimately makes your backyard more attractive.

13. Make a DIY Splash Pad for the Kids

There is no better way to cool off in the summer than with a DIY splash pad. Not only does it provide great cooling water for the kids, but it’s also easy and very inexpensive to create. Instead of spending a small fortune buying a splash pad, just make one yourself. You actually just need a large tarp and a sprinkler. Make sure that the tarp is not ripped or torn and if you have a kids’ sprinkler, that may work better than one for the lawn.

14. Make Your Own Passing Game

Whether you have a little football or softball player in your midst, this passing game is a great backyard addition. Not only will it help them with their throwing and tossing, but it also gets them outside for some fresh air. You need a water-resistant tarp with grommets, rope, colored duct tape, a permanent marker, and a ruler to create the game. You can choose to make it a passing game for football or if you prefer softball, make the holes a bit smaller if you want. The kids are sure to enjoy passing and this is a great game for outdoor parties.

15. Make a Noodle Croquet Set

Outdoor games are a must for summer fun but that doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune buying them. This life-size croquet set is made from inexpensive pool noodles and is great fun for kids of all ages (even adults). You need to cut the pool noodles in half right down the middle and then again to make two arches from each half. Garden stakes will keep them in place. Then just grab some kick balls and let the fun begin. Kids will adore playing croquet kickball style and it’s great exercise.

Cheapskate Handy Hints For the Outdoors https://lorevista.com/cheapskate-handy-hints-for-the-outdoors/ Mon, 14 Jun 2021 08:46:30 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=7854 by Elizabeth Flaherty, Familyhandyman

Protect Your Plants with Milk Jugs­

Worried about the new baby plants you just planted? Cut the bottoms out of gallon jugs and set them over new and fragile plants to protect them from bugs or a late frost. We love these fast-growing plants that maximize your curb appeal.

Corral Your Clippings

When trimming hedges, use a plastic kiddie pool to catch clippings, kicking it along as you clip. The clippings fall into the pool, making cleanup a snap. When you’re done trimming, dump the clippings into your mulch pile. Check out these creative tool hacks that’ll make your life easier.

HH kiddie pool bush clippings

DIY Drip System

Here’s an easy way to turn any hose into a drip-watering hose. Drill 1/8 in. holes every 2 in. and screw a cap the end. Weave the hose around your plants and turn on the spigot. To make watering even easier, you can add a programmable faucet timer to the hose. Want to add more color to your landscape this season?

HH DIY hose drip waterer

Garden Sprayer Labels

It seemed any time I’d mix something in my garden sprayer, I’d have some leftover, but I’d always forget what was in the bottles. So, I bought a set of key labels and marked them GoMax, Aphid Spray, etc. Now, when I mix one of these chemicals in my garden sprayer, I clip on the appropriate key label. I keep the rest on my pegboard, so I can easily switch them out when I mix something different. — David Watermeier

HH Garden sprayer labels


Hedge Trimmer Sheath

I lost my hedge trimmer blade sheath, so I had to get creative to safely store the tool. A piece of foam pipe insulation was just right. I cut two 1/2 in. foam tubes to the length of the hedge trimmer blade. The tubes are slit down their length, so they slide easily over the blades. Three 4 in. bungee cords hold them in place. — Thomas Curran

HH hedge trimmer pipe insulation bungee cord


Cocktail Caps

Keep bugs from swimming in your drinks by topping glasses with baking cup liners. Cut a small X into the center of each liner, poke a (reusable or paper) straw through the hole and enjoy your beverage pest-free.

Direct Watering Bottle

For healthy plants, it’s important to get water to the roots. Here’s my method: I drill holes in water bottles and bury them alongside my plants, leaving just the cap above the ground. To water the plants, I unscrew the bottles’ caps, fill the bottles and screw the caps back on. It requires some extra effort, but it conserves water, and my plants—especially the tomatoes—are thriving like never before.  — Diane Newman

HH direct plant watering bottle

Camping Toilet Paper Hack

To keep toilet paper dry and at the ready while camping, put the roll in a coffee can or CD/DVD container. It makes a handy, weatherproof dispenser right next to the biffy.

HH camping toilet paper cd case

Keep Seeds Fresh

If you don’t use up all of your seed packets, store them in an airtight container with silica packets to keep them fresh for next year. The silica packets prevent the seeds from germinating or getting moldy.

HH silica packets gardening seeds fresh

Pole Protection

To protect my fishing rods in the back of the truck, I cover them with pool noodles. Cut the noodle and slip it over the rod. Depending on your rod style, use either one or two pieces of pool noodle.

HH pool noodle fishing pole

Cardboard Seed Tubes

For an easy and green way to start seeds, save your toilet paper and paper towel tubes. Cut the tubes into 2 in. lengths and set them in a waterproof tray. Fill the tubes with potting soil and plant your seeds. When the seedlings are ready to move to the garden, plant them right in their cardboard tube. The cardboard will decompose. Be sure to keep the tube below the soil surface, so it doesn’t wick moisture away from the roots.

HH Handy Hint Plant seeds in toilet paper tubes

Saving Soil with Old Cans

For deep planters, fill the bottom with old cans and plant pots. The cans and pots improve drainage and create air pockets for better aeration and healthier soil.

HH Handy Hints Pop cans save soil gardening

Micro Greenhouse

Do you have a hard time starting seeds or cuttings? Try soda bottle greenhouses. Cut the bottom off 2-liter soda bottles and remove the labels. Each seed gets its own micro greenhouse! Remove the greenhouses once the seeds have germinated and cuttings are rooted.

HH Handy Hint Micro Green house pop bottle

How to Turn an Empty Milk Jug Into a Watering Can

I only own one watering can, so I need to refill it four or five times to water all of the plants on my patio. Instead of buying more overpriced watering cans, I use old milk jugs. I drill a few holes in the caps, fill up the jugs with water and I’m good to go. — Harrison Berg

milk jug watering can 2

Noisy-Drip Stopper

Do you have a noisy drip coming from the downspout that’s driving you nuts? I discovered an easy way to stop the drip — just push a kitchen sponge into the bottom of the downspout. It’ll muffle the dripping noise without blocking the water flow. — Susan Dahl

Handy Branch Hauler

Need a way to haul branches over to your fire pit? Carrying them in your arms is dirty work and trying to stuff them into a plastic bag is awkward. try using a sturdy plastic shopping bag with handles. Slit the sides, lay it flat, and fill it with branches and small logs. It loads easily and lets you carry wood without getting your clothes full of sap or mud.

handy branch hauler HH






