life hacks – LoreVista Make Your Day Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:41:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 life hacks – LoreVista 32 32 231211893 Discover the Magic: Burying an Egg in Your Garden Soil Wed, 31 Jan 2024 10:37:35 +0000 Discover the Magic: Burying an Egg in Your Garden Soil

A Nutrient-Rich Treat for Your Plants

Eggs are packed with nutrients, not just for us but for our plants too! When you bury an egg in your garden soil, you’re essentially giving your plants a feast of calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorous. These nutrients are vital for healthy plant growth.

How It Works

When you bury a whole, raw egg in your garden, over time, it begins to decompose. This process slowly releases all those wonderful nutrients directly into the soil. Your plants’ roots absorb these nutrients, leading to healthier, more vibrant growth.

The Benefits

  • Natural Fertilizer: Instead of chemical fertilizers, an egg serves as a 100% natural alternative. It’s a fantastic way to utilize kitchen waste and feed your plants at the same time.
  • Improved Soil Structure: The decomposition process helps in aerating the soil. This improves soil texture, making it more conducive for plant growth.
  • Cost-Effective and Eco-Friendly: This method is practically free and entirely eco-friendly. It’s a perfect example of sustainable gardening.

How to Do It

  • Choose the Right Spot: Find a spot in your garden where you plan to plant something or where a plant already exists.
  • Bury the Egg: Dig a hole about 7-8 inches deep. Place a raw egg at the bottom and cover it with soil.
  • Plant as Usual: Plant your seeds or seedling above the buried egg and water the area.

Things to Remember

  • It’s best to use this method for plants that require a lot of nutrients, like tomatoes or peppers.
  • If you have a dog or other pets that like to dig, this might not be the best option unless you can protect the area.
  • In Conclusion

Burying an egg in your garden soil is a simple, yet effective way to enrich your soil naturally. It’s a little secret that Mother Nature herself would approve of. So next time you’re in the kitchen, save that egg for your garden. Your plants will thank you with their lush, vibrant growth! Happy gardening!

Say Goodbye to Dirty Toilets with Salt! Wed, 31 Jan 2024 04:18:18 +0000 Say Goodbye to Dirty Toilets with Salt!

Keeping your bathroom clean is no easy task, especially when it comes to the toilet. Many cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can harm the ceramic and even pose a risk to your health. But worry not, because there’s a simple and effective solution hiding in your kitchen cabinet – salt!

A Budget-Friendly Cleaning Mix

Creating your own salt-based cleaning mix is not only easy but also cost-effective. Here’s a quick recipe to get you started:


100 grams of salt


  1. Pour 100 grams of salt into a bowl.
  2. Dampen a sponge or cloth with water and dip it into the salt solution.
  3. Scrub the inside of the toilet bowl, paying extra attention to stained or dirty areas.
  4. Let the salt sit for a few minutes to work its magic.
  5. Finally, flush the toilet to rinse away any residue, unveiling a sparkling clean bowl.

The Magic of Salt

Salt possesses natural cleaning properties that make it incredibly effective in tackling stains and removing grime. Its gentle yet powerful nature ensures the safety of delicate surfaces, such as ceramic. Moreover, it’s readily available and affordable, making it a fantastic alternative to pricey cleaning products.

So the next time you’re faced with a dirty toilet, take a page out of Grandma’s book and grab that salt. Prepare to be amazed by the results and proud of your sparkling clean bathroom!

Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know Thu, 07 Dec 2023 07:43:36 +0000 14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

Cleaning your bathroom is unlikely to be a chore you relish. After all, who’s ever claimed to love scrubbing toilets or tackling mildew stains? However, that doesn’t mean it needs to be a completely thankless task or a particularly time-consuming one. Check out these 14 bathroom cleaning hacks with less effort.

1. Clean Your Shower With Vinegar

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

The key to sparkling shower tiles is already in your pantry: white vinegar.

“Heat the vinegar in the microwave and spray it on while it’s hot,” suggests Brad Roberson, president of Glass Doctor, a Neighborly Company. Roberson suggests adding a tablespoon of dish soap to the mixture if the smell bothers you, noting that this can also help cut through tough grime.

2. Scrub Mildew With A Dish Brush

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

If you’ve got mildew or surface mold in your bathroom, a clean dish brush is a tool you need to combat it. Roberson suggests combining six cups of warm water and a quarter cup of bleach to create a mold-busting cleaner.

3. Get Rid Of Mold Stains With Baking Soda

Get Rid Of Mold Stains With Baking Soda

For those stubborn mold and mildew stains that your dish brush and bleach solution won’t touch, try applying a paste of baking soda and water. “Cover the stain with the paste and allow it to stay on the stain for three to four hours,” following up with a thorough rinse, suggests Roberson.

4. Use Baking Soda And Vinegar To Deodorize A Drain

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

If your drain is emitting some unpleasant odors, a simple mixture of baking soda and vinegar can fix that in no time.

“The combination of vinegar and baking soda begins to fizz and can help break up any congealed grease in your drain,” explains Joshua Miller, VP of Technical Training at Rainbow International Restoration. Miller recommends pouring one cup of baking soda and two cups of white vinegar down the drain, then flush it with hot water after half an hour.

5. Use Dental Floss To Clean The Small Parts Of Your Sink

Some parts of your sink are simply too small for the average cleaning tool to reach.

Luckily, there’s a solution right inside your medicine cabinet: “Dental floss is a great way to remove buildup in the nooks and crannies of the faucet and handles,” says Kim Burckhardt, owner of Office Pride Commercial Cleaning Services of Westminster-Eldersburg.

6. Use Dryer Sheets To Nix Soap Scum

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

Can’t seem to get rid of that soap scum on your shower or tub? Instead of a sponge, reach for a dryer sheet.
“Add a few drops of water to a dryer sheet and gently rub the area. Rinse the residue off and the majority of the scum should be gone,” suggests James Conner, VP of operations at Molly Maid.

7. Use A Denture Tablet To Clean Your Toilet

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

Not in the mood to scrub your toilet? Then let a denture tablet do the hard work for you. “Drop one in, let it do its job, and then flush to get rid of toilet bowl stains and rust,” suggests Conner.

8. Squeegee Your Bathroom Window

Finding that your usual glass cleaner isn’t cutting it when it comes to getting your bathroom window clean? Using a squeegee instead can help keep those panes clear and free of water spots.

9. Rub The Lemon Over Chrome To Wipe Off Water Spots

Though water sports are unavoidable in places where water is constantly running (like the shower and the sink), it’s surprisingly simple and cheap to get rid of them. All you have to do is rub lemon over your stained chrome fixtures and the pesky spots should disappear instantly. Plus, using this citrus-as-cleanser will mask any unpleasant smells.

10. Restore Your Mirror’s Shine With Black Tea

Young happy black man cleaning the bathroom mirror. You want your bathroom mirror to be spotless so that you know what you actually look like before leaving the house—but all too often, it’s fogged up with water stains, dust, and other debris.

The solution? Black tea! All you have to do is combine a cup of boiling water with a few bags of black tea, let it cool, and use the resulting solution to clean your cloudy mirror. The tannic acid in the tea will dissolve any dirt, leaving you with a spotless surface that tells no lies.

11. Put Your Toothbrush Holder In The Dishwasher

14 Bathroom Cleaning Hacks With Less Effort That You Must-Have Know

It’s easy to let your toothbrush holders become disgustingly dirty. But washing the accessory is barely a chore: all you have to do is throw it in the dishwasher. Really, that’s it!

12. Sweep Your Bathtub Clean

There’s no need to waste time scrubbing your entire bathtub with a sponge. Instead, cover it in soap, then sweep and scrub with a clean broom and rinse until all of the suds are gone. The broom will clean as effectively as a sponge would, but using the large long-handled brush will require half as much effort.

13. Use Cotton Balls To Clean Pesky Bathtub Corners

The corners of the tub are always the hardest to clean. Luckily, there’s a simple solution for this, and it’s probably already sitting in your medicine cabinet. Just soak some cotton balls in the tub cleaner of your choice and let them sit on the edges of your tub overnight. By morning, those tub edges will be clean as a whistle!

14. Combine Baking Soda And Bleach To Clean The Grout

Grout – the stuff used to fill the gaps between tiles-looks good when it’s clean, but dirt easily sneaks into those small crevices, making the walls look dirty in an otherwise spotless bathroom. To restore your tiles (and the spaces between them) to their original color, apply a paste made out of 3/4 cup baking soda and 1/4 cup bleach to the grout, let it sit for 30 minutes, and remove with a scrub brush or cloth to reveal sparkling clean walls. This is an awesome bathroom cleaning tip.

Our social channel: Eva & Beauty

SEE MORE: Tips and Hacks
10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life Thu, 07 Dec 2023 03:39:30 +0000 10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life

Start by reducing plastic in your kitchen. It might be easier than you think. Try one or two of these kitchen plastic alternatives.

1. The Best Way to Replace Plastic Wrap & Baggies

Finding a replacement for plastic wrap and plastic baggies may seem impossible. But, there really is a way to replace this type of plastic in your kitchen. You’ve probably tried covering a bowl by putting a plate on top or maybe you’ve placed a melon face down on a dish to try to keep it fresh.

You can also store food in reusable containers.

2. Ditch Plastic Storage Containers – Glass is Best

10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life

Throw those plastic containers in the recycling bin and opt for glass storage containers. You’ll wonder why you ever used plastic.

Glass containers are easier to clean (say goodbye to residue and scratches) and it’s easier to see what’s inside (no more surprises). Storing food in glass and not plastic is much healthier for you and the environment.

Plus, if you microwave food, it’s always safer to microwave in a glass covered with a towel than to use plastic. When you heat plastic, it can cause toxins to leach into your food.

3. Opt for Stainless or Glass Water Bottles Rather than Plastic

10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life

Those plastic water bottles sure seemed convenient and smart when you bought them. Now, not so much. You’ve got great options to replace the plastic by either using glass or stainless bottles.

4. Plastic Cups, Plates & Plastic Ware – You’ve Got Good Alternatives

You can buy inexpensive plates, glasses, and silverware that can be used for years. After a few uses, your glass and silverware will have paid for themselves.

Not only is this cost-effective, but it also keeps plastic out of the landfill, reduces pollution from plastic production and your guests will appreciate having “real” plates and glasses.

5. Banish Plastic Cooking Utensils

10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life

What to use instead of plastic?

Wood spoons and spatulas work great and you won’t have to worry about plastic toxins leaching into your food. Stainless whisks, ladles, serving spoons, and spatulas are perfect and clean up easily. Plus, neither wood nor metal will melt if it gets too hot.

Toss your plastic cooking utensils into the recycling bin for better health

6. Opt for Wood or Glass Cutting Boards, Not Plastic

Woodcutting boards are great options to replace plastic. Think about how gnarly your plastic cutting boards look after a few months of slicing and dicing.

What you may not know is when plastic gets scored, it can release toxins into your food.

Wood holds up much better and is healthier. You can easily sanitize your wood boards by rubbing the surface with a lemon slice. You may also like to use glass cutting boards because you can pop them in the dishwasher

7. What to do about Plastic Grocery Store Produce Bags – You’ve Got Options

Every trip to the grocery store ends up using a plastic produce bag for each item. It’s easy to pick up 5-10 at each visit–that’s a lot of plastic waste over time. You may have tried not using the bags, but having produce grouped in a bag just makes things easier.

So, what are your options?

Try these reusable produce bags that will change your life. You can see through the bags, so there’s no mystery about the contents. And, they have a convenient drawstring. The fabric is machine washable and durable. Plus, the fabric has been tested to make sure that it is free of harmful chemicals (no lead, heavy metals, BPA, or phthalates).

You can store your products in these bags, and they store easily in your larger reusable grocery bags.

8. Steer Clear of Plastic Straws (If You’re Able)

Metal and paper straws make good alternatives to plastic straws for those who need to use straws and are able to make the change, World Wildlife Fund says. But if you’re able to skip the straw altogether, even better.

9. Drink Your Coffee From a Reusable Cup

Over 500 billion single-use coffee cups are thrown away each year around the world. These cups range from full plastic cups to plastic-lined paper cups topped with plastic lids. Often, these cups end up in landfills where they take years to breakdown.

10. Compost Food Waste

10 Ways To Reduce Plastic In Your Kitchen For A better Life

Much of the food that gets thrown away could be recycled or composted, which would save space in landfills. Composting food waste has saves money, resources, and improves soil quality, according to the EPA. Cardboard, paper, and just about any food scraps, including meat and fish, can be composted. Diverting waste that people tend to send to the landfill can also help with cutting back on plastic trash bags — which could have a major impact considering Americans used more than 300 million of them in 2018.

Our social channel: Eva & Beauty

SEE MORE: Tips and Hacks
9 Household Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier Tue, 05 Dec 2023 08:00:29 +0000 9 Household Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier

At times, taking care of a home can be pretty overwhelming, especially if you have a baby. So that, household hacks are very necessary to us. There are plenty of awesome household tips and tricks below to help you in your daily life.

1. Clothing Cleaner Dispensers

9 Household Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier

This is one of the great household hacks that I know. So instead of keeping them in ugly containers, you can easily store the liquids in easily accessible mason jars. Then you won’t have to lug out the heavy containers every time you do the laundry.

2. Clean Mirrors with Black Tea

Using strongly brewed black tea is an awesome hack to clean your mirrors. Who would have thought?

3. No Drip Paint Trick

9 Household Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier

If you plan on retouching a room, try this great no-drip paint trick with a large rubber band. Now that’s easy.

4. Lotion Bottle to Phone Charging Holder

If you want a safe place to keep your phone charged and out of the way, try this tutorial which will show you how to create a phone charging holder out of a lotion bottle.

5. Router Disguise

9 Household Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier

Routers are pretty darn ugly, but an awesome way to keep them out of the way and in disguise is to hide them in a fake book.

6. Lemon and Salt Scrub

9 Household Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier

With the help of the citric acid from the lemon and the scrubbing action of the salt, you can kill stains in your sinks and showers instantly.

7. Dust Fans with Pillow Case

Ever notice how the dust on ceiling fans builds up fast and just looks plain gross? Well, an easy way to clean it is to use a pillowcase to take it off. The Dust will fall into the pillowcase and you won’t have to deal with it floating in the air after wiping it off.

8. Clean Your Shower Curtain in the Washer

Do you know how shower curtains can get filmy and nasty? Well an easy way to clean them is to just pop them in the washer and let it do all the work!

9. Clean Shower Head with Vinegar

9 Household Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier

Just soaking your shower head in some vinegar for 20 minutes can get all of the grime build-ups off easily.

Sometimes we need just the right hacks to help make our lives just a bit easier. Especially with a home. It can get cluttered or disorganized so easily that it can be a bit overwhelming or discouraging. But with the right tips and tricks, we can make things so much simpler.

If you have any household hacks yourself, let the comments down below! I’d love to hear about them!

Our social channel: Eva & Beauty

SEE MORE: Tips and Hacks
Is it okay to clean dirty sneakers in the dishwasher? Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:03 +0000 As busy women juggling various aspects of life, we’re always on the lookout for time-saving solutions. The question of whether it’s safe to wash dirty sneakers in the dishwasher might have crossed your mind.

Let’s dive into this cleaning conundrum and explore whether it’s a hack or a hazard for your favorite kicks.

Discovering innovative ways to streamline our daily tasks is a common quest for those leading busy lives. One intriguing suggestion that frequently circulates is using the dishwasher to clean dirty sneakers. However, before tossing your beloved kicks into the dishwasher, it’s crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the risks to ensure both the cleanliness of your sneakers and the longevity of your household appliance.

The Temptation of Dishwasher Efficiency:

Washing sneakers in the dishwasher can seem like a shortcut to pristine footwear. After all, the dishwasher is a powerhouse when it comes to cleaning, right? Before you hit that start button, let’s consider a few crucial factors.

  • Time-Saving: The dishwasher can offer a quick and hands-free way to clean sneakers, saving you time and effort.
  • Efficient for Certain Materials: Sneakers made of durable materials may withstand the dishwasher’s gentle cycle, effectively removing dirt and grime.

The Potential Risks:

The dishwasher’s intense water pressure and heat could damage certain shoe materials, adhesives, or embellishments. While the dishwasher can handle dishes like a champ, sneakers pose a different challenge. The high water pressure, temperature, and detergent may be too harsh for delicate shoe materials. From rubber soles to glued seams, there’s a risk of damage that could leave your sneakers worse for wear.

Effect on Shoe Structure: The dishwasher’s cycle may alter the shape or structure of some sneakers, especially those with delicate components

Material Matters:
Not all sneakers are created equal. Different materials require different care. Leather, mesh, or suede sneakers might react differently to the dishwasher environment. It’s essential to know the materials of your shoes and their tolerance to water and heat.

Sole Searching for Alternatives:
Instead of relying solely on the dishwasher, consider alternative cleaning methods. A gentle hand wash with a mild detergent, a soft brush, and some elbow grease can often be a safer bet. This approach allows you to target specific areas without subjecting your entire pair to a dishwasher’s intensity.

Preserving Sneaker Longevity:
Sneakers are an investment in both comfort and style. Preserving their longevity means adopting cleaning practices that enhance rather than compromise. Regular maintenance, spot cleaning, and storing them properly contribute to a healthier shoe life.In the dishwasher dilemma, the verdict isn’t one-size-fits-all. While some may have successfully cleaned their sneakers this way, the risks involved make it a less-than-ideal solution for many. Knowing your sneakers, their materials, and opting for gentler cleaning methods can ensure your footwear stays as fabulous as you are.

Guidelines for Safe Sneaker When Washing in Dishwasher:

In the quest for efficiency, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons. Your sneakers deserve the best care to keep striding alongside you through every adventure. Whether you choose the dishwasher or a more tailored approach, here’s to stepping out with confidence and clean kick.

If you decide to proceed with washing your sneakers in the dishwasher, here are some guidelines to minimize risks:

  • Remove Insoles and Laces: Take out any removable parts to prevent damage or distortion during the wash.
  • Use a Gentle Cycle: Opt for a gentle or delicate cycle to minimize the impact on your sneakers.
  • Avoid Harsh Detergents: Stick to mild detergents or shoe-cleaning solutions to protect both your sneakers and the dishwasher.
  • Air Dry Thoroughly: After the wash, let your sneakers air dry completely to prevent issues like shrinkage or warping.

In the quest for a better and easier life, experimenting with time-saving hacks is natural. Washing dirty sneakers in the dishwasher can be a convenient solution if approached with caution and consideration. Ultimately, the key lies in understanding the materials of your sneakers, using the right settings, and embracing this hack as an occasional quick fix rather than a routine cleaning method.

As with any life hack, discretion and awareness are paramount. So, is it safe to wash dirty sneakers in the dishwasher? With the right precautions, it can be, but always tread carefully to keep both your sneakers and your dishwasher in top-notch condition.

7 items you should never leave in your car Fri, 01 Dec 2023 08:39:41 +0000 7 items you should never leave in your vehicle

Surely there are many people who often think these items are essential to stay in the car. So what kind of items are those?

These items you should never leave in your vehicle

For some people, their car is not only used for transportation but also to store their personal belongings. While it’s perfectly fine to leave a few important items in your car, others should be kept at home.

Here are seven things you should never leave in your car:

Water bottles

7 items you should never leave in your vehicle

Believe it or not, one of the potentially dangerous items you can leave in your car are plastic water bottles. If you leave a water bottle in your car for too long, there’s a chance that BPA can leak into the water – a chemical believed to cause cancer. Even if it’s not especially hot out, it’s best to avoid drinking from a water bottle that has been sitting in your car for a while.


7 items you should never leave in your vehicle

As you’re probably already aware, many medications are meant to be stored at room temperature. Therefore, it’s not a great idea to leave it in a hot vehicle for an extended period of time. If the medication sits out for too long in hot temperatures, the potency of the drug can greatly decrease and negatively alter its effectiveness.


7 items you should never leave in your vehicle

Like medication, sunscreen can lose its effectiveness if it’s left out in the heat for too long. Hot temperatures could also cause the bottle to explode, creating a mess that no one wants to clean up.


7 items you should never leave in your vehicle

You could be in for quite the surprise if you leave your glasses in your car for too long – particularly if you leave them sitting on a hot dashboard. If they’re left in the sun for an extended period of time, the heat will likely make them too hot to wear. If you’re unfortunate enough, the sun’s rays could even warp the frames.

It should go without saying, but you should always leave your glasses on your head.

Personal Belongings

7 items you should never leave in your vehicle

Always take any personal belongings with you when you leave your vehicle. This means taking your wallet, cell phone, keys, and passport when you exit your car. Even your belongings aren’t left out in the open, a potential thief likely won’t have a difficult time finding them. Simply put, you should either take your belongings with you or leave them at home.


They may seem harmless given their small size, but lighters can present a significant fire hazard if left in your vehicle on a hot day. In general, it’s a good idea to keep flammable liquids away from your vehicle, especially during the summer.

Aerosol Cans

Cans of deodorant, hairspray, or spray paint can all expand in extreme temperatures, potentially creating a full-on explosion if they’re left in the hot or cold weather for too long.

If you want to be safe, leave the hygiene products in your bathroom.

Our social channel: Eva & Beauty

SEE MORE: Tips and Hacks
8 Timesaver Tip Laundry Hacks That Changed My Life Fri, 17 Nov 2023 10:27:35 +0000 8 Timesaver Tip Laundry Hacks That Changed My Life

1. Soften sheets with vinegar.

Run a cycle with your bed sheets and a half-cup of distilled white vinegar to give them a quick boost of softness and brightness, and to remove lingering odors.

2. Throw your detergent cap in with the laundry to wash it.

You know those messy drips and sticky spots that decorate the lid of your laundry detergent bottle before too long? Don’t waste time wiping them away. Just toss the detergent lid right into the wash with your clothes (avoid delicates) to get it clean. Just make sure you remove it before it enters the heat of the dryer.

3. Keep chalk in the kitchen to treat grease stains.

8 Timesaver Tip Laundry Hacks That Changed My Life

Grease stains be gone! Because chalk is ultra-absorbent, you can rub a bit on any oily kitchen stains as they happen, to absorb grease and hold you over until you can throw the garment in the wash.

4. Dry clothes fast with a clean towel in the dryer.

You can speed up the machine-dry process by adding a clean, dry towel to the mix. Toss it into the dryer with your wet clothes to dry everything faster.

5. Fake-iron your clothes with ice cubes.

8 Timesaver Tip Laundry Hacks That Changed My Life

If you have a dryer in your apartment, you can quickly “iron” your clothes with an ice cube. Just toss the wrinkled clothes in the dryer with an ice cube or two, on the warmest possible setting, and let the ice cube create steam in the dryer to leave your clothes looking smooth.

6. Lift sticky stains with ice cubes.

If you notice a stubborn, sticky mess on your clothes (like gum!) try this: Leave some ice cubes on top of the mess for a few minutes, then easily peel the gunk away once it feels like it’s hardened.

7. Keep socks paired in a mesh laundry bag.

Those mesh bags meant for delicates? They’re also great at keeping small items from getting lost to… wherever it is all those odd socks go. Get a big one (like one from this set), hang it near your hamper, and toss pairs of socks in there as you take them off. When it’s laundry day, zip it up and throw the whole bag in the wash.

8. Trade your dryer sheets for dryer balls.

8 Timesaver Tip Laundry Hacks That Changed My Life8 Timesaver Tip Laundry Hack That Changed My Life

ICYMI, dryer sheets are not that great. Instead, opt for a set of wool dryer balls. They’ll keep air moving, smoothing out wrinkles and speeding up your drying time. And if you like to scent your laundry, you can drip a few drops of essential oils onto your dryer balls every 10 or so loads.

Our social channel: Baby & Mommy

SEE MORE: Tips And Hacks
10 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier Tue, 14 Nov 2023 09:18:36 +0000 10 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier

1. Pasta Lighter

10 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier

We’re sure you’re stocking up on sweet smelling candles to make your home extra cozy for the colder months. But, if your candles are burning too low to reach the wick, there’s no reason to go without your favorite scent. Instead of burning your fingers, light a piece of uncooked spaghetti. It’ll reach into those deep candles and burn long enough to light the candles on grandpa’s birthday cake!

2. Keep Seeds Fresh

10 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier

If you don’t use up all of your seed packets, store them in an airtight container with silica packets to keep them fresh for next year. The silica packets prevent the seeds from germinating or getting moldy.

3. Easily remove stickers

10 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier

I peeled off all the stickers using a putty knife in combination with hair dryer, to soften the adhesive. Some are harder to remove than others, but I had them all off in a couple hours.

4. Get Wrinkles Out of Your Laundry with Ice

10 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier

Throw a few ice cubes or a wet washcloth in the dryer with your wrinkled clothes. As the ice melts and the water turns to steam, it will remove the wrinkles. This trick isn’t as effective with heavier clothing but is a miracle for lighter fabrics. The best part is that you don’t have to set the dryer for longer than 10 minutes for it to work.

5. DIY Drip Waterer

Here’s an easy way to turn any hose into a drip-watering hose. Drill 1/8 in. holes every 2 in. and screw a cap the end. Weave the hose around your plants and turn on the spigot.

6. How to Double Your Resealable Bags

Heat up an old butter knife with a lighter and slice the bag in half. The hot knife cauterizes the edges of the two new bags. The cauterized edges are as strong as the factory sealed edges!

7. Clean Up Paint in Carpet

10 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier

I used to think dropping a loaded paintbrush on the carpet meant replacing the carpet, until a former foreman told me this little tip. Pour some denatured alcohol onto a rag and scrub away the paint. Use a rag that is as close in color to the carpet, as the alcohol can transfer some of the rag’s color to the carpet.

8. Remove Gum from Carpet

10 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier

When gum freezes, it gets brittle and easily breaks apart. So, if you have gum stuck in your carpet, freeze it to remove it quickly and neatly.

Place a sandwich bag filled with ice cubes on top of the gum and wait about a half hour.

When the gum is frozen, break it apart and pull it out of the carpet. No trace left behind.

9. Quick Cold Drinks

10 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier

Wrapping a wet paper towel around a warm canned or bottled beverage and putting it in the freezer cool it faster.

10. Make Your Own Ice Pack

This DIY ice pack hack is reusable, so it is good for the environment as well.

First, purchase an inexpensive pack of sponges or just find some old ones around the house. Grab a big bowl of water and let the sponges completely soak up as much water as they possibly can. After soaking the sponges, put each sponge in a small sandwich bag with a zip close. These bags will keep the water contained allows the melted sponge to reabsorb the water so it is ready to refreeze for the next day. Now, freeze the wet and bagged sponges overnight.

Our social channel: Baby & Mommy

SEE MORE: Life Hacks, Tips & Tricks
7 Life Hacks Everyone Really Needs To Know Fri, 10 Nov 2023 04:53:31 +0000 7 Life Hacks Everyone Really Needs To Know

While there are multiple universal life hacks, These twelve apply to everyone in us. Try these twelve hacks to make your life easier!

1. The lemon trick.

7 Life Hacks Everyone Really Needs To Know

Put a lemon wedge in the water while boiling eggs. The shells will just about fall off when they’re done.

2. Renew bunch of old crusty paint brushes

7 Life Hacks Everyone Really Needs To Know

Have a bunch of old crusty paint brushes? Toss them in a bowl of vinegar for 30 minutes, they will be good as new.

3. Got fruit flies?

7 Life Hacks Everyone Really Needs To Know

To get rid of this problem fast, pour one-fourth cup of apple cider vinegar into a small, wide-mouth container. Add a couple drops of dishwashing liquid to capture the flies and ensure they can’t find their way out.

Place close to the infestation. They will be gone within a day or two.

4. Make any cake mix taste like it was from a bakery

7 Life Hacks Everyone Really Needs To Know

Make any cake mix taste like it was from a bakery

  • 1. Follow directions on the package.
  • 2. Add 1 more egg (or 2 for an even richer taste).
  • 3. Replace oil with melted butter and double the amount.
  • 4. Replace the water with an equal amount of milk.
  • 5. Mix and bake according to the package.

5. Winter problems

7 Life Hacks Everyone Really Needs To Know

Mix 3 parts vinegar and 1 part water in a spray bottle and spray windshield & windows the night before the freeze comes in

So don’t be the one scraping the ice off your windshield (and late to work). Follow this life hack to prevent ice before it happens.

6. Wondering what to do with your bacon grease?

7 Life Hacks Everyone Really Needs To Know

Bacon grease can have a wide-variety of uses. For keeping it stored, keep it in a mason jar.

You can:

  • Roast vegetables. Instead of drizzling your vegetables with olive oil before roasting, plop some bacon grease in the pan. …
  • Fry Burgers. …
  • Pop popcorn. …
  • Fry grilled cheese. …
  • Biscuits. …
  • Fry hash browns. …
  • Spread on pizza crust. …
  • Use as a gravy base.

7. Freeze Fresh Herbs In Olive Oil

Freeze Fresh Herbs In Olive Oil

Quickly throw in all your flavors without spending countless time chopping etc. Preparing ahead cuts down time on the actual cooking days.

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