household – LoreVista Make Your Day Mon, 30 Aug 2021 06:10:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 household – LoreVista 32 32 231211893 Weird Ways to Use a Bobby Pin Mon, 30 Aug 2021 06:10:46 +0000  

Bobby pins are the unsung heroes of beauty tools. The tiny clips can hold braids, pin back bangs, and give extra lift to a ponytail, but did you know that they have many practical household uses as well? From keeping food fresh to solving wardrobe woes, here are 11 unusual ways to use a bobby pin around the house.

Squeeze Out Toothpaste

Never waste a drop of toothpaste again with this clever trick: Secure a bobby pin on the end of the tube, then slide it up to push all remaining product toward the opening. Now your almost-empty toothpaste should last a few extra days!

Save Snacks

Want to save the rest of your chips, pretzels, or cereal for later? If you can’t find a chip clip in your junk drawer, enlist a bobby pin to secure the plastic bag and keep food fresh in a pinch.

Mark the Page

If you’re in the middle of a great book but have to put it down for the night, mark your spot with a spare bobby pin. The makeshift bookmark will hold your place without creasing the pages.

Pull Up a Broken Zipper

To temporarily fix a broken zipper tab, insert a bobby pin through the eye of the slider. You can then use the beauty tool to zip up jackets, suitcases, pants, and more.

Keep Headphones Untangled

Headphones often turn into a jumbled mess in pockets and purses. Prevent tangles by bending a bobby pin into a “W” shape, then wrapping the headphone cord around it.

Find the End of the Tape

How many times have you needed a piece of tape but couldn’t find the end of the roll? The next time you use tape, stick a bobby pin underneath the edge for easier access.

Secure a Nail

If you’re accident prone—or if you simply don’t have a steady hand—you can use a bobby pin to protect your fingers when you’re hammering. Clip the bobby pin to the nail, hold the nail in place with the bobby pin, and drive the nail in with your fingers safely out of the danger zone.

Reset Electronics

Electronics need to be reset every so often, but it can be difficult to access those teeny-tiny reset buttons. A pen or a needle works fine but could cause damage. A bobby pin, however, can get into those minuscule crevices without harm.

Open Letters

Getting mail is a rare occurrence in the digital age, so it’s unlikely that you have a letter opener lying around the house. In the absence of this quaint office accessory, use a bobby pin to carefully pry open important pieces of mail that you don’t want damaged.

Fix Wardrobe Malfunctions

Clothing mishaps can strike anyone, anytime. If you experience a wardrobe malfunction—a broken bra strap, a popped button, or a snapped flip-flop strap—use a spare bobby pin to hold things together until you get home.




10+ Clever Life Hacks That Will Simplify Your World Sat, 31 Jul 2021 11:25:14 +0000 Another 20 tips that will hopefully simplify your life!





















Cheap Decor Ideas That Look Expensive Thu, 24 Jun 2021 18:07:12 +0000 Swap Out Your Throw Pillows

Throw pillows are an easy way to accessorize and brighten a room, whether you buy them or make your own. Jillian says homeowners should throw out their older throw pillows and replace them with bright, fuller pillows—or just buy crisp new pillow covers. “Mix and match colors and textures, and blend different groupings,” she says. But more is not better. “There can be too many pillows, so make sure you don’t go overboard.”

Use Bookshelves for More Than Books

Lines of books have to look like a stuffy library. “Intersperse with a few framed photos and interesting book ends,” says Ana Cummings, design expert on CTV’s Homes & Lifestyles Canada. “Make sure it is neat and tidy—that alone speaks volumes.”

Splurge on Statement Pieces

Dining room tables, stand-out rugs, chandeliers, and sofas all have the ability to upgrade a home’s sense of luxury. Identify a few key pieces that you see and use often (especially if they’re ones that are visible from several other rooms) and decide if it makes sense to budget for a splurge. If you decide it’s a go, choose colors and fabrics that are easily cleaned and not easily stained or destroyed.

Personalize Your Towels

Find plain white towels too ho-hum? Add a simple DIY detailing to basic towels to show off your signature style, suggests luxury interior designer Charmaine Wynter. “Just select a coordinating ribbon color and pull out your sewing machine,” she says.

Add Voluminous Accessories

Expensive items tend to have weight and volume to them (that’s why heavier gold bangles appear more luxurious than lighter ones that feel like—and possibly are—made of plastic). Avoid flimsiness at all costs: add an extra panel of curtains to your curtain rod, and search for quality carpets and throw blankets that great to the touch. Additionally, accessorize with weighty accent pieces; vases, picture frames, and ornaments should all feel like they’ve got something to them

Create Your Own Statement Artwork

If your room lacks a preexisting focal point, create one using artwork. One option is to create a multi-panel piece (one picture blown up and printed onto three panels hung next to each other) or a gallery-type display of frames.

Go Big

Hiking up the size of your decor creates a big impression, even if the pieces aren’t too pricy, says Yael Meromy of design firm Studio D. “We love to use large-scale art and décor, like a massive canvas that takes up an entire wall or a well-oversized thick-framed mirror that leans against the wall instead of hanging, to create a space that’s impactful, memorable and grand,” she says.

Create a Vignette

Otherwise “dead space” can be dressed up to make the whole room look more styled. “Areas like coffee tables, consoles, empty corners of a kitchen counter … are all prime real estate for a well dressed vignette,” says Cummings.

Stick With the Classics

Have you ever noticed how most high-end homes are flooded with neutrals? This is because neutrals feel calm and classic. Bring high style to rooms by choosing neutral hues for anything that’s expensive to update, such as floors, fixtures, and upholstery, and using accessories to introduce bold colors and textures; a neutral base lets hotter hues take center stage.

Spend Your Money Wisely

Pay attention to detail when buying staple items. Furniture that is made well will give your space a high-end look. And spending money on long-haul items, like a couch, allows you to mix in refurbished thrift items or DIY projects while keeping the look of the room upscale. It’s important to invest in your staple items, but buy budget-friendly items when purchasing throw pillows and other accessories. This combination creates a high-end look that has design longevity without making you go over budget.

Complement Your Door with a Burst of Color

It’s a common choice to paint front doors an inviting, vibrant color like a lush green or cherry red to help welcome visitors. Carry this idea inside by adding a splash of a complementary color in your entryway. This could be a bright rug, a painted chair or bench, a piece of art or an entire wall. The key is to continue that vibrant welcoming experience from the front door into your home.

Mother Nature

Let a local nature feature that you love, especially one that you already encourage outside your home, like birds, bunnies, herbs or flowers, inspire your entryway design. Use this feature to guide all your entryway décor decisions. Buy wall decor, frames and other compatible entryway items to create a unified space.

Pick a Single Piece to Show Off

For entryways that have a little bit more space and can give visitors an opportunity to look around a bit, pick one large art piece to showcase. Large paintings or statues are common choices (anything from pastoral scenes to abstract experiments can work well). Center your piece where visitors will immediately see it, and keep tables and other items to a minimum so they don’t distract.

Nesting Tables

Nesting tables work great for small spaces and cutting clutter. Use them as an end table and set a lamp on top, then pull out the shorter tables when you need more tables for guests.

Small Room Ideas: Furniture with Legs Showing

Opting for furniture with legs showing opens up a small space. Compared to large furniture pieces that rest directly on the floor without legs showing, which can appear too big and bulky for a small space, furniture with legs showing draws the eye upward and creates the illusion of more light and space in a small room.

Small Room Ideas: Clear Furniture

Opt for see-through furniture, such as a glass coffee table or clear acrylic desk. Clear furniture helps to make a small room feel more open while still proving a useful surface and a unique design element. This is a great tip for how to make a small living room look bigger.

Hanging Wall Bookcase: Suspended Bookshelves

The steel cable and shaft collars add style and strength to this bookshelf. Build this simple set of book or display shelves in a single weekend. They’re strong and stylish. By changing materials or finishes you can easily customize them to fit the décor of any room.

Modular Masterpiece

This modular masterpiece is a stunning wall unit that’s infinitely flexible-customize it to suit your space and your stuff.

Simple Rennie Mackintosh End Tables

These end tables fall on the higher end of difficulty for DIY home projects but if you’re up to the challenge they’ll be pretty rewarding.

Stunning Stone

For the intermediate do-it-yourself handyperson, this stunning stone accent wall is a perfect project. The look of exterior stone veneer in an indoor space complements industrial, cottage or rustic decor and the beauty speaks for itself.

Paneled Panache

With a few strips of MDF and very little money, you can create an elegant and restful accent wall for your bedroom. This treatment adds a luxurious element to your space and is the perfect backdrop to your headboard.


Plastic Wrap Tricks That Will Change Your Life Wed, 16 Jun 2021 17:53:36 +0000 – by Donella Crigger 

Keep Your Bananas From Over-ripening

Although bananas are a quick and tasty snack you’d want to keep around the house, these yellow fruits ripen a bit too fast for our liking. Keep your bananas fresh longer for that mid-day snack or that morning smoothie with this unbelievably simple hack. Wrap the ends of your bananas in plastic wrap to slow down the ripening process. This trick has scientific backing for the more empirical individuals.

Wrap Gifts In Plastic Wrap For A Good Laugh

Make this year’s present opening an ordeal they won’t forget. Instead of traditional wrapping paper, make a giant plastic-wrapped gift. Place your gift(s) in a piece of plastic wrap and wrap and wrap and wrap to your heart’s satisfaction. It is unbelievable how hard it is to get that gift out of that wrap.

This is also a cool party idea that teenagers will love. Challenge them to unwrap and leave the plastic wrap whole. No shortcuts!

Wrap Gifts In Plastic Wrap For A Good Laugh

Make this year’s present opening an ordeal they won’t forget. Instead of traditional wrapping paper, make a giant plastic-wrapped gift. Place your gift(s) in a piece of plastic wrap and wrap and wrap and wrap to your heart’s satisfaction. It is unbelievable how hard it is to get that gift out of that wrap.

This is also a cool party idea that teenagers will love. Challenge them to unwrap and leave the plastic wrap whole. No shortcuts!

Plastic Wrap Belongs In Your Travel Bag Too, Not Just Your Kitchen

This one is for us who always lose one earring, especially after traveling. Or even in the house! Save space when traveling and avoid losing your favorite pieces of jewelry by packing your jewelry between two sheets of Press’n Seal wrap. Hopefully, this tip will also help you leave that jewelry box at home and pack lighter!

Trap Those Annoying Fruit Flies With This Plastic Wrap Trick

Fruit flies are ANNOYING! They are tiny, numerous, and nasty. Keep them away from your fruits with this simple trick developed by a kid. Make a DIY fruit fly trap with some fruit, a cup, and a little plastic wrap. Cut up some pieces of fruit and place some in cups. Cover the cups with plastic wrap and cut a hole in the middle using a knife. Leave the cups on your kitchen counter and watch the magic happen.

It’s not really magic. The fruits are meant to attract the flies. The flies go in but can’t get out.

Prevent Ice-Cream Freezer Burn Using Plastic Wrap

If by some odd chance you happen to have left-over ice cream, avoid ice cream freezer burn by placing a layer of plastic wrap over your ice cream and pushing it down so that it touches the surface of the ice cream before putting the lid back on. Frankly, we’re shocked that anyone holds on to ice cream long enough for freezer burn to form!

Not A Fan Of Cleaning The Fridge? Plastic Wrap’s Gotcha!

Cleaning is an essential part of everyday living but let’s be honest – no one likes doing it. Much less repeatedly. The fridge is one place that is bound to get dirty. With its hundreds of compartments, I don’t want to be caught cleaning it every week and I’m assuming you neither. Keep the shelves clean by covering them with plastic wrap. Remove and replace it whenever a spill occurs.

Use Plastic Wrap For Neater Painting

Getting paint over surfaces you never intended to paint is not interesting. It can even be costly if some expensive furniture is ruined by paint. Press’n Seal can work in a pinch to protect surfaces from paint. But for a really good edge, you’ll still need painter’s tape because paint can seep under plastic wrap.

Rain Is No Excuse For Missing Your Run

Well, for those of us not so motivated by morning runs, maybe it is. But for you who gets a kick out of morning runs, rain can be a bummer because it means you may have to leave your gadgets at home. Plastic wrap to the rescue! Don’t cancel your run because you see a few clouds in the sky. Cover your phone with plastic wrap to protect it. The touch screen functionality will still work.

Carry Your Favorite Cup On Your Trip

If you’re a sentimentalist, this hack is for you. It allows you to save money on a fancy travel cup and lets you carry your favorite cup along with you as you travel. Turn any cup into a travel cup with Press’n Seal wrap. Just insert a straw after you’ve covered the cup! This trick also reduces spillage during movement so it’s great for preventing spills in the car by the kids.

Protect Your Clothes From Leaks In Your Travel Bag

Speaking of traveling, toiletries can create a big mess when they leak. Protect your clothes by placing plastic wrap under the caps of all your shampoos, conditioners, etc. For extra safety, wrap them all in plastic wrap and you won’t have to worry about accidents. You can also wrap your shoes in plastic wrap to keep your clothes clean.

Include Plastic Wrap In Your Skincare Routine

Plastic wrap is pretty safe on your face as long as you keep it off your nose. Here’s a beauty hack to get rid of blackheads that is worth a try. Follow this tutorial to get rid of blackheads using vaseline and plastic wrap. Simply apply Vaseline to your blackheads and cover with a small piece of plastic wrap. Let it stay on overnight and remove it in the morning!

Skimp On Cleaning Time After DIY Projects With This Plastic Wrap Trick

Do you dread the daily clean-up when working on a DIY project? One thing you don’t have to worry about is cleaning paint rollers. Wrap them in plastic wrap to keep them from drying out between uses. Whatever your reasons are for leaving a paintbrush wet, plastic wrap will do the job.

 Preserve Paint Using Plastic Wrap.

Don’t let your paint dry out in between painting sessions. Preserve paint by placing plastic wrap between the lid and the can between uses to keep it fresh. This reduces the rate of water evaporation hence preventing paint from drying. You can also wrap your paint tray tightly with wrap and pop it in the fridge to avoid having to wash off dry paint.











20+ Brilliant Kitchen Hacks That Will Sharpen Your Kitchen Knowledge Fri, 11 Jun 2021 00:37:26 +0000 Store tomatoes with the stem end down

Want to make Tomatoes Last Longer? Well, air and moisture are mostly responsible for the fast rotting of tomatoes. So to prevent air and moisture from getting into the tomato, store it with the stem facing downwards. The stem is the main path for the entry of moisture. So this trick helps in keeping your tomatoes last longer.

Honey for cut fruits to last longer

If you are worried about your already cut fruits’ lasting, then here is the solution. Make a mixture of one part honey and two parts water and pour it into the container in which your cut fruits are kept. It prevents them from browning as it slows down the oxidation process.

When I ate such fruit, it tasted a bit more sweet, obviously because of the honey. So, if the fruit is not naturally sweet, you can consider using this hack. Haha, a fun part. It’s up to you whether you think of this sweetening factor as an advantage or disadvantage. I prefer naturally sweet fruits.

Skim the fat

Spoon out excess fat from stocks, stews, and sauces by skimming a few ice cubes (wrapped in a paper towel or cheese cloth) along the surface of the liquid. The ice helps the fat solidify, making it easier to remove with a spoon (or even a piece of toast).

Give bananas a longer life

Keep bananas fresh for longer by wrapping the end of the bunch with plastic wrap. Better yet, separate each banana. Both tactics block ethylene gases from releasing out of the stem, thereby ripening the fruit too fast.

Protecting semolina from flour bugs

Semolina is something which is easily attacked by flour bugs if proper preventions are not taken. To prevent it from flour bugs, roast the semolina for 5-10 minutes ( till it color changes a little bit), then allow it to cool and store in any container.

Make eggshell removal even easier

The fresher your eggs, the harder it is to remove their shells when hard-boiled. Solve this predicament by adding baking soda or vinegar to water when boiling eggs.

Both substances permeate the eggshells and help the albumen (that’s fancy speak for egg whites) separate from the shell.

Make citrus fruits even juicier

To get the most juice out of a lemon, refrigerate, then microwave it for 15 to 20 seconds.

Bonus tips: Roll citrus fruits before squeezing, cut them lengthwise, and/or use a pair of tongs to squeeze instead of your own two hands.

 Keep seeds from falling into citrus juice

When juicing citrus, wrap the fruits in cheesecloth (or a clean stocking) for seed-free sipping.

3 Ways to Make Lemon Juice - wikiHow

Cool your soda and beer bottles faster

Wrap your soda and beer bottles with a wet paper towel before putting in the fridge to cool them faster. So if you have guests arriving at your home in a short time or you need chilled bottles as soon as possible, this is an option worthy of consideration.

This trick has saved me once when guests were scheduled to arrive in around an hour, I guess and we didn’t have enough cooled soda bottles.

Cut your raw and slippery chicken easily

Cutting raw chicken can sometimes be a difficult task. To make it easy, firm up the chicken before cutting it. Keep it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. This makes the meat less slippery and can be cut into thin slices faster and easy.

Well, not of use to vegetarians, for example, the person writing this post.

Save cut fruit from browning

You’ve probably heard that a little squeeze of lemon juice can keep apple slices from looking unappetizing. A mixture of 1 part honey to 2 parts water works much the same way to keep fruit from browning.

Ever wonder why this works? The citric acid and vitamin C in lemon juice and a peptide in honey slow down the oxidation process that causes discoloration.

Keeping your herbs fresh

Herbs are something that goes bad very easily. To keep your herbs fresh, chop them and add them to a mixture of water and a few drops of olive oil. Freeze the mixture after pouring it into a tray. When you require the herbs, just allow it to melt and your fresh herbs are ready for use.

If you use this method, herbs easily last for a few weeks. Or another option is storing it in airtight containers and keep in the fridge.

Don’t let the last of honey in the jar go waste

Don’t leave away the last few drops of honey in the jar. You can use it to sweeten your beverage. You can make a simple lemonade by pouring some lemon and water in the jar.

Similarly, even the last of peanut butter or something like that can be put to use. What’s the benefit in just throwing away any stuff?

Vast usage of panini maker

Yep, it is widely used for making grill sandwiches and many other delicious grilled items. You can even use it for making omelets.

Easily scoop out squash seeds

Remove seeds from vegetables like squash and pumpkin with an ice cream scoop. Because the edge of the scoop is sharp, it cuts through the fibrous, gooey stuff inside the squash better than your hand or a regular spoon.

Sharpen your knives

You can even sharpen your knife at home if you do not have time for professional knife sharpening. Just quickly rub the blade on the unglazed portion on the bottom of a ceramic plate or mug.

Soften up your butter quickly.

Now you do not need to keep your butter at room temperature and wait for a long time until it softens.  Pour hot water into a glass and keep it for a few seconds until the glass becomes heated up. Then pour out the water and place the glass inverted over the stick of butter and the butter will soften up in just a few minutes.

Don’t throw leftover food

This is one of the important sign of a good cook. A good cook never lets leftover food go waste,  but prepare some recipe from it using his mind and adding the correct ingredients. You can experiment with the leftover food, who knows you may invent a delicious dish.

Peel that papery skin from ginger

No need to pry off ginger’s knobby skin with a peeler. Ginger root skin is actually quite delicate and can be scraped off with a teaspoon.

Peel garlic the fuss-free way

Remove all cloves from the bulb, then whack each clove with the side of a chef’s knife. The skin will fall right off.

 Peel boiled eggs in a big batch

Time to put all your eggs in one basket — or, uh, one pot or other crockery.

Peel multiple hard-boiled eggs at a time by shaking them in any lidded container. Smash, bang, boom! Shells are cracked and ready to shake right off.

The eggs won’t be pretty, but they will be ready for an egg salad much quicker than traditional methods.

Castor oil for rice

Even rice is attacked by flour bugs. For this, apply castor oil on raw rice and mix it properly so that the oil forms a coat on rice. This oil prevents flour bugs. When you want to use that rice, infuse it in water for a short period of time or wash it thoroughly before cooking. This is because castor oil is a laxative and should not be consumed. It is one of the best kitchen hacks to prevent flour bugs on rice.


source: /,























Amazing Cheapskate Handy Hints For the Outdoors Life Fri, 28 May 2021 22:06:17 +0000

Save those milk jugs, soda cans, pool noodles and other things around your house you thought were useless. Think again! Give them a new life outdoors with these genius ideas.

Protect Your Plants with Milk Jugs­

Worried about the new baby plants you just planted? Cut the bottoms out of gallon jugs and set them over new and fragile plants to protect them from bugs or a late frost. We love these fast-growing plants that maximize your curb appeal.

Corral Your Clippings

When trimming hedges, use a plastic kiddie pool to catch clippings, kicking it along as you clip. The clippings fall into the pool, making cleanup a snap. When you’re done trimming, dump the clippings into your mulch pile.

DIY Drip System

Here’s an easy way to turn any hose into a drip-watering hose. Drill 1/8 in. holes every 2 in. and screw a cap the end. Weave the hose around your plants and turn on the spigot. To make watering even easier, you can add a programmable faucet timer to the hose. Want to add more color to your landscape this season?

Garden Sprayer Labels

It seemed any time I’d mix something in my garden sprayer, I’d have some leftover, but I’d always forget what was in the bottles. So, I bought a set of key labels and marked them GoMax, Aphid Spray, etc. Now, when I mix one of these chemicals in my garden sprayer, I clip on the appropriate key label.

Hedge Trimmer Sheath

I lost my hedge trimmer blade sheath, so I had to get creative to safely store the tool. A piece of foam pipe insulation was just right. I cut two 1/2 in. foam tubes to the length of the hedge trimmer blade. The tubes are slit down their length, so they slide easily over the blades. Three 4 in. bungee cords hold them in place. — Thomas Curran.

Plant Tag Organizer

You know those plant tags you save to reference later, but aren’t exactly sure what to do with? To keep them organized, punch holes in the tags and slide them onto a key ring. Find out how to improve your yard with these easy-care plants.

Cocktail Caps

Keep bugs from swimming in your drinks by topping glasses with baking cup liners. Cut a small X into the center of each liner, poke a (reusable or paper) straw through the hole and enjoy your beverage pest-free.

Direct Watering Bottle

For healthy plants, it’s important to get water to the roots. Here’s my method: I drill holes in water bottles and bury them alongside my plants, leaving just the cap above the ground. To water the plants, I unscrew the bottles’ caps, fill the bottles and screw the caps back on. It requires some extra effort, but it conserves water, and my plants—especially the tomatoes—are thriving like never before.  — Diane Newman

Keep Seeds Fresh

If you don’t use up all of your seed packets, store them in an airtight container with silica packets to keep them fresh for next year. The silica packets prevent the seeds from germinating or getting moldy.

No Air Pump? No Problem! Use a Shop Vacuum

If you don’t have an air compressor to inflate your air mattresses or pool toys, you can use your shop vacuum instead. Just pop the top off a plastic squeeze bottle and fit the top to your vacuum’s hose. You may have to use duct tape. Once the top is secured to the hose, attach the hose to your vacuum’s exhaust port. It’ll blow up your inflatables in no time. To deflate, attach the hose to the vacuum port and suck the air out.

Cardboard Seed Tubes

For an easy and green way to start seeds, save your toilet paper and paper towel tubes. Cut the tubes into 2 in. lengths and set them in a waterproof tray. Fill the tubes with potting soil and plant your seeds. When the seedlings are ready to move to the garden, plant them right in their cardboard tube. The cardboard will decompose. Be sure to keep the tube below the soil surface, so it doesn’t wick moisture away from the roots.

Saving Soil with Old Cans

For deep planters, fill the bottom with old cans and plant pots. The cans and pots improve drainage and create air pockets for better aeration and healthier soil.

Micro Greenhouse

Do you have a hard time starting seeds or cuttings? Try soda bottle greenhouses. Cut the bottom off 2-liter soda bottles and remove the labels. Each seed gets its own micro greenhouse! Remove the greenhouses once the seeds have germinated and cuttings are rooted.

Handy Branch Hauler

Need a way to haul branches over to your fire pit? Carrying them in your arms is dirty work and trying to stuff them into a plastic bag is awkward. try using a sturdy plastic shopping bag with handles. Slit the sides, lay it flat, and fill it with branches and small logs. It loads easily and lets you carry wood without getting your clothes full of sap or mud.

Simple Veggie Washer

We love growing fresh vegetables in our large garden, but we hate all the dirt that comes inside when we pick them. My husband came up with this great veggie washer. Drill holes in the bottom and sides of a 5-gallon bucket with a 5/8-in. spade bit. Place your fresh-picked veggies in the bucket and hose them off before you bring them inside. The dirt and sand stay out in the garden and only the veggies end up in your kitchen. — Linda Blain


The Brilliant Jeans Hacks & Tricks That You’re Interested in Fri, 21 May 2021 08:05:39 +0000  

1. Baking Soda at your rescue to remove stains from your jeans

Baking soda is filled with goodness, however, you can remove odor and stains from your jeans by directly applying baking soda on the stain for 10-15 minutes, and notice the magic.

2. Want your jeans to look brand new, then go for inside out style

Turn your jeans inside out and wash it with cold water and then air- dry them. This trick would prevent your jeans from fading.

3. Freeze your jeans to remove bad odor

Even the CEO of Levis doesn’t wash his jeans. Sounds gross? But if you want to the original feel of the jeans, then, fold your jeans and put them in a Ziploc bag and freeze it overnight, the bad odor would vanish off and will keep your jeans spanking new.

4. Salt and water will save your jeans from bleeding

Did your new pair of jeans turn your hands blue? Fret not, wash the new jeans with salt, which would set the dye of the jeans also prevent fading.

5. Unique fold

You can easily tuck your jeans into your drawers, by folding them into four folds, or even roll them out This would save space, especially when you are traveling.

6. Easy way to store your jeans

Want to make room for your new clothes in your wardrobe? Then we suggest you to hang your jeans by using the shower hooks. Take the belt loop of the jeans and hang it on the shower hooks.

7. Distressed Jeans with sandpaper

You don’t have to spend a fortune to buy distressed jeans, take sandpaper and scrap it horizontally on the jeans and see the distressed look.

8. Warm vinegar to remove chewing gum from denim

Got chewing gum stuck on your jeans? Fret not, warm the vinegar in microwave for 45 seconds and soak a clean cloth in vinegar and rub it on the jeans. Scrap it off with hard bristle toothbrush.

9. Rip your denim with cheese grater

Mark the places where you want to rip your denim and then use a cheese grater and you are good to go. So, ditch the scissors, use a cheese grater to rip your jeans and bring a worn out look.

10. Iron damp jeans for longer life

In love with your new pair of jeans? Give it a longer life as well as a smooth look by immediately ironing the jeans which are out from the washing machine.


source: /






















12 Smart Tricks To Use Nail Polish Remover All Around Your Home Wed, 12 May 2021 18:23:25 +0000 Did you think that you can push the limits of the use of your nail polish remover beyond just rubbing off nail paints? The answer is “Yes”. Nail polish remover has amazing benefits without you thought of. Here are smart tricks to use nail polish remover all around the house that you should know.

Nail Polish Remover to Your Rescue

Nail polish removers come in two basic forms – acetone-based and non-acetone-based. If you really want to put your nail polish remover to greater use, you go for the acetone-based varieties. Acetone is known to be a strong solvent, which is also found in paint removers and cleaning fluids. Albeit, excessive use of a harsh chemical such as this is not good news for the skin, but when it comes to getting some real hard-core cleaning done, it is the right weapon of choice.

Here are smart tips for making better use of your little bottle of nail polish remover:

1. Shine those shoes

You can soak a soft cotton cloth in nail polish remover and dab away at the scuff marks and stains on the shoes. It also helps even out minor scratches and spots. Your shoes will be shiny and will look as good as new.

2. Un-glue The Superglue

We have somehow stuck two surfaces together which were not meant to be touching in the first place. Often, one of those surfaces happens to be our own finger. Do not panic. Just add a few drops of nail polish remover on a Q-tip and keep rubbing. The acetone in the nail polish remover will weaken the bods of the superglue and in some time your skin will come undone, without a scratch.

3. Get Rid of Permanent Marker Scratches

Permanent markers can really make or break your life. While their steadfastness is commendable in most circumstances, the very quality makes it quite cumbersome when you want to get rid of it. But no chemical is too strong for your nail polish remover.

You can rub the marker scratches on fabric in a circular motion with a cotton swab soaked in nail polish remover. Then you can wash the fabric the usual way. Do remember that this works specifically on fabric; any other surface would require some other chemicals.

4. Remove Ink Spots

Spilled ink all over your favorite white shirt. Well, you need not discard it yet. You can dab at it with a cotton cloth dipped in a solution of nail polish remover and water in the ratio 2:1. The cloth soaks away the stain. You can then finally rinse and wash the fabric.

5. Give Your Razor The Edge

It is important to keep razors clean and hygienic. After each use, we recommend that you wipe down the blades with a Q-tip soaked in nail polish remover. The remover dries fairly fast, after which, you can store them in a dry cupboard.

6. Make Your Plastic Surface Look Unscratched

Scratches on the plastic surface are common and they linger, making them look scruffy and unkempt. One easy way out is to put one to two drops of Nail polish remover on a cotton cloth and buff the plastic surface gently at the scratched area. The scratch will dissolve. You must take care, though, not to use too much of the fluid, as that can completely dissolve the plastic surface.

7. Get Rid of Dust from Your Keyboard

Your computer keyboard is a bed of dirt, germs, and grime and demands an occasional cleanup. Nothing works better than a cotton cloth or an old toothbrush dipped in nail polish remover. The bristles can easily reach the nooks and crannies of the keyboard and will clean it out effectively. You must use small portions of the liquid in order to keep the internal circuitry intact.

8. Cleanse Your Beauty Tools

Just like your razor needs to be sanitized, so do your beauty tools. Wipe of the beauty tools – especially the parts which are used for direct application – with a cotton cloth dipped in nail polish remover. After that, rinse off the remover with soap water and dry the tools using a clean cloth napkin. make sure that there are no traces of the nail polish remover as that can affect your skin.

9. Scrub Paint Off Your Glass Panes

While painting the wooden or metal panes, it is possible that an unfortunate blob settles on the glass portions. All you need to do is to coat the paint blob with some nail paint remover and let it soak for a few minutes. Then, with a clean brush, you can wipe off the splotch. The glass will be crystal clear.

10. Sparkle Your Bathtub

Repeated running of baths with soap bombs and chemicals leaves behind a trail of scum and sticky residue that does not come off easily. To make cleaning the bathtub easier, you can make a solution of nail polish remover and water and spray it on the inside surface. Let it soak for a while and scrub at the surface using a sponge. Rinse away the residue with water. Do be sure to wash away all the residue, as otherwise, the remover can react with your skin.

11. Get Rid of Melted Plastic Bits

Too often, we have forgotten about a plastic wrapper placed too close to a heating vessel or surface. The plastic melts and goops at the hot surface and refuses to budge. Instead of taking a knife at it to scrape away the mess, you can rub at the area with a cotton cloth dipped in nail polish remover. The acetone dissolves the plastic and cleans the surface.

12. Shine Your Floors

Tiles or laminations on the floor are prone to scuffing, which robs it of its beauty after some time. You can rectify the situation by treating them with a mix of water and nail polish remover in a ratio of 1:3. Let it sit for a while and mop up the surface as usual. The floor will be squeaky clean one more.

25 Useful Household Uses For EggShells That Will Surprise You Wed, 12 May 2021 16:58:35 +0000 The eggshell that can work all around the house. Instead of throwing away eggshells, you can do more with them. You will find a few useful household uses for eggshells here.

1. Chicken Feed

It seems a bit weird to feed your chickens eggs in general, but eggshells?

We may surprise you by telling you eggshells are a superfood for your chickens. They are a great, natural, and inexpensive calcium supplement that your chickens need in order to lay healthy eggs.

2. Toss Them in Your Coffee

You can actually boil eggshells and place them in your coffee. Then you allow them to steep to kill some of the bitter flavors.

3. Kick the Pests Out

Do you have unwanted pests in your garden? If so, then eggshells should become your new best bud. You’ll need to keep an eye out where those pests visit the most.

Then sprinkle some broken eggshells in those places. Slugs and other soft-shelled pests don’t like to crawl over sharp shells. So they’ll leave your garden.

4. Add Calcium to Your Garden

The same way eggshells add calcium to your hens, they’ll do the same for your garden. This is a great thing if you grow tomatoes or peppers. Have you ever heard of blossom end rot?

Well, then you know that a dose of calcium can heal your plants from this. So sprinkle some eggshells around plants that are struggling with calcium deficiency, and you’ll hopefully see a difference.

5. Eat Them

You know that you can eat the egg, but did you know that you can eat the eggshell too? Yes, you can! You create an eggshell powder by baking the eggshells and then grinding them into a fine powder.

Once this is done, you can toss the powder into any beverage to give yourself a great calcium boost.

6. Plant with Them

Useful uses for eggshells include planting with them. Don’t waste your money on expensive cups to plant your seedlings in. Instead, hollow out some eggshells.

Then you start your seedlings in the eggshell and directly plant the seedling into the ground with the eggshell. The eggshell will compost and give a calcium boost to the soil around it.

7. Compost

When in doubt about what to do with a biodegradable item you can always toss it into the trusty compost pile.

The next time you have eggs do just that. They’ll break down and create a fine compost for your plants to grow in.

8. Add to Potting Soil

Do you find yourself buying the cheap potting soil because you are on a budget, or you plant so much that it just gets flat-out expensive?

Well, spice up that cheap potting soil a little bit by adding your eggshells to it. It will up the quality of it and hopefully produce better plants.

9. Sidewalk Toy

Well, you can do this with your children now for basically no money. Follow this recipe to create sidewalk chalk from your eggshells.

10. Add It to Your Apple Cider Vinegar

When you make apple cider vinegar your own, why not add your eggshells to it to make it even better for you? The eggshells will give you an added calcium boost.

11. Pot Scrubbers

Did you know that you no longer have to buy those abrasive pot scrubbers if you have unused eggshells?

Well, you don’t. Instead, you just throw those eggshells in the pot with some soap and warm water. The eggshells will break up and become abrasive to remove dirt.

12. Toss It in Your Stock

If you love broth, then you’ll definitely want to consider adding your eggshells to it to up the healthy qualities by adding some calcium.

13. Whiter Whites

Do you struggle with your white clothes becoming dingy? If so, then you’ll be glad to know that you can use eggshells to help with that problem as well.

You’ll need to place your eggshells in a lingerie bag with some lemon slices. Then put them in a wash cycle with whites.

14. Use the Membrane

When you crack an egg open you often see the membrane still attached to the shell. The next time you have a cut or open wound, then reach for the eggshells.

That way you can place a piece of the shell on the cut with the membrane on the cut itself. This will give off nutrients to enhance healing for cuts and splinters.

15. Knife Sharpener

Don’t waste your time or money buying a knife sharpener. Instead, put your unused eggshells to use. You’ll need to put them in the freezer so they get hard.

Then when they are frozen solid, you can run your knives across them to create a sharper edge. Just make sure that they are frozen very hard.

16. Stops a Toothache

One of the many useful uses for eggshells is using it to stop a toothache. You can place a clove on a sore tooth or gum and it helps to stop the pain until you can seek out dental treatment.

Well, eggshells and comfrey root apparently have the same effect. You need to mix equal parts of each and apply them to sore spots on the tooth or gum.

17. Treats Skin Irritations

Eggshells have a lot of vital nutrients in them that are actually really good for us. With this in mind, it shouldn’t be that surprising that they can help with minor skin irritations.

So the next time your skin is bothering you, pull out that apple coder vinegar that has had your eggshells put in it. Then use it to dab on your skin to soothe it.

18. Hummingbird Feeder Cleaner

Hummingbird feeders can often get pretty yucky considering you are constantly shoving sugar water into them.

Well, don’t let them stay grimy. Instead, use eggshells the same way you do to clean your pots and pans. Break them up, use warm soap and water, and allow the eggshells to be abrasive.

19. Garden Fertilizer

You can consider using your eggshells as an all-over fertilizer for your garden. It is organic and added calcium and nutrients are never a bad thing in my book.

20. Kick the Cats Out

If you live in an area that has a lot of stray cats, you could have an issue of cats using your garden as a litter box.

However, this is really quite dangerous because their waste is not good for the soil or for us to ingest. Place eggshells where they usually use the bathroom. The discomfort of walking on eggshells will usually persuade them to go elsewhere.

21. Help Catch Food in Your Sink

Useful uses for eggshells also include letting them catch food in your sink. When you wash dishes, do you put the plug/strainer in your sink to stop water from going down the drain along with food?

If so, then you’ll definitely want to consider placing broken pieces of eggshells in the strainer. It actually catches more food that way.

22. Give Them to the Dog

If you have a pooch for a pet, then you probably want to do all you can to get your furry friend as healthy as possible.

Then you should consider cooking your unused eggshells at 250°F for 30 minutes. Next, you’ll crush the shells and grind them into a powder. Then store them in an airtight container. When you want to give your dog a calcium boost, sprinkle a little over his food.

23. Pain Reliever

Do you ever get achy muscles or joints? If so, then you are probably used to popping an over-the-counter pill to stop the pain, or applying warmth to the sore area.

Well, next time, try letting some eggshells sit in apple cider vinegar until they dissolve. This usually takes about 2 days. Then use that mixture to rub on your achy muscles and joints to relieve the pain.

24. Tea Light Holders

This is such a fun and creative idea to decorate your home for any occasion on a budget. You just save your eggshells.

Then you can paint them and place little tea lights inside of them so they can make a creative and beautiful centerpiece. Here is the full tutorial.

25. Make Them Into a Herb Garden

You can easily grow herbs indoors. You save your eggshells and then plant your herbs right inside of them. You then can grow fresh herbs on your counter right in an egg carton.

10+ Quick Tips for Removing Stains That Everyone Needs To Know Sat, 08 May 2021 22:57:35 +0000 No one wants to toss a perfectly good shirt because of a stain that won’t come out! Next time, try these tried & true techniques to remove almost any stain.

1. Hydrogen peroxide for grass stains

After rinsing the stain in warm water, douse the stain in hydrogen peroxide and let it sit. After 30 minutes, gently rub the stain to really work in the peroxide and toss it in the washing machine.

2. Coffee or tea stains

On vinyl flooring: Fill a container with water and add a few drops of lemon juice. Dunk a sponge into the solution, dap to remove the stain and dry with a cloth

On ceramic (and grout): Tile is usually a breeze to clean, but grout is not. If coffee has discoloured the grout, apply white toothpaste and scour with a brush

On wood: Soak a cloth in white vinegar and gently press onto the stain until it is lifted. If the wooden floor is waxed, use liquid black soap or ammonia mixed with water

3. Blood stain

To remove spots of blood from clothing, use 3 percent hydrogen peroxide — the kind you find in the first-aid section of the drugstore. Soak the stain with the peroxide, use your fingernail or the blade of a butter knife to help loosen and scrape away the blood, then rinse it away with more hydrogen peroxide. Then launder as normal. In most cases, you’ll have better luck removing stains — especially blood stains — if you treat them immediately after they happen, before the stains have a chance to dry.

4. Lipstick stain

You should carefully scrape any extra lipstick off. Then, put down some paper towels on a hard surface. Place the affected area on the paper towels with the stained side facing down. Then, take a dish detergent with grease-attacking properties and apply it to the back of the stain. Next, flip the garment over to stain side up. Carefully scrub the area using a clean toothbrush. Do not rinse the piece. Instead, put it in the washing machine on the gentle cycle and wash as normal. Repeat the steps until the stain is a thing of the past.

5. Oil stain

Oily stains on pillowcases can be removed with plain shampoo or even liquid dish detergent. Simply apply to the area, rub it in and allow to sit for a little while. Rinse it out and then launder as you would normally. It’s that easy!

6. Ink stain

If you get ballpoint pen ink on a piece of clothing, put a paper towel under the stain. Then, apply some standard rubbing alcohol to the affected area. Larger stains may need to soak for up to 15 minutes. Blot/sponge at the stain with a clean cloth until you notice that ink is no longer being transferred. Rinse, apply a pre-treatment (if you have one) and wash as usual in hot water.

7. Sweat stains

Mix of one part dish soap, two parts hydrogen peroxide, and a sprinkle of baking soda. Scrub the mixture into the sweat stain with an old toothbrush. Let it sit for an hour before washing.

8. Remove stains with an iron 

Stain removal has tested the willpower and intelligence of homeowners since carpets became the thing you own to tie a room together and you’ll encounter several schools of thought on the matter. The one we present right now is a three-step process.

First, you vacuum the stained area to get rid of hard particles and leave you focusing only on the stains at hand. This is crucial prep work.

Second, treat the spots with a mixture of water and vinegar with a ratio of 3:1. You need to let this mixture to work its way into the stained textile. Five minutes should be enough.

Three, place a towel on top of the stained area and apply a heated iron. The pressure and the heat cause for the stain to be transferred into the towel much like a reverse temporary water tattoo.

9. Clothing grease stains

Do you know that dish soap also works perfectly on clothing grease stains? It works perfect for many case.

How it’s done: Rub dish soap into the stain, let it sit for a minute, and wash.

10. Fluff your carpet with the power of vinegar 

Vinegar has its many uses similar to baking soda when it comes to carpet care and one of the most interesting uses is to fluff up high-traffic areas where the carpet just looks worn out and the fibers have been flattened. You dilute vinegar in equal amounts of water and then spray it on the affected area. Once the material has absorbed the mixture, take a regular spoon and run it sideways along the carpeting to loosen the fibers and restore their original texture.

11. Fluff your carpet with the power of ice cube

This trick is meant for those impressions left on carpets from furniture, especially when it’s both heavy and not moved often. These impressions are annoying to see, if you decide on a completely different arrangement. But don’t despair, because as it turns out you can restore your carpet to its former glory with an ice cube. Place a regular ice cube on these dents and leave them to melt. Afterwards, blot the excess water and iron the area until dry through a towel. Once the fibers are almost dry, they’ll be pliable and you can fluff these areas by hand with ease.

12. Using baby powder

Pour and press the baby powder firmly on the affected area which will allow the baby powder to absorb the grease. Let the baby powder sit on the affected area overnight and then wash the article of clothing as you typically would.

13. Shampoo is one of the best choices

This one may require a little elbow grease: First, soak the stain with warm water and then apply the shampoo to the stain. Once the soap soaks into the fabric, scrub the area very hard until the stain starts to disappear.
