Brilliant Hacks – LoreVista Make Your Day Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:18:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brilliant Hacks – LoreVista 32 32 231211893 How Often Do You Clean Your Hairbrush? Fri, 17 Nov 2023 07:58:41 +0000 Why Should You Clean Your Hair Brush?
Why Should You Clean Your Hair Brush?
Why Should You Clean Your Hair Brush?

The major reason to clean your hair brush regularly is to stay healthy and hygienic. Unclean hair brushes are filled with dirt, natural oils, sweat, dead skin cells, product buildup (leave-in conditioners, gels, and hairsprays), microbes (yeast, bacteria, dust mites, and lice), and hair strands.

Hair accessories and brushes become breeding grounds for microbes like bacteria and fungi (yeast) if we do not clean them properly. They transfer grime and germs to your hair, compromising hair and scalp health. This also results in swelling, itching, and dandruff and may lead to folliculitisi and seborrheic dermatitis.

A thorough monthly cleaning is sufficient for most hairbrushes and combs. If you have very long hair or use lots of styling products, you may need to clean the tools every two weeks. It’s a good idea to remove the tangled hair around the bristles regularly, even if you don’t do a thorough cleaning.

How To Clean A HairBrush

1. Remove The Hair

Thus, the most important step is to remove all the hair tangled from the brush or comb.

You may notice that the hair may be knotted within the bristles. Use scissors to cut the hair stuck between the bristles into smaller pieces. This will not only make hair removal easy but also protect the bristles from separating or getting damaged. You can turn the brush bristle side down and use a toothbrush to clean lint, dust particles, and grime.

2. Wash The Brush


You Will Need
  • A large bowl
  • Warm water
  • Clarifying shampoo or baking soda
  • An old toothbrush, towel, or napkins
  • Add shampoo (dime size or approximately 10 ml) to a bowl of warm water. You can also use your sink instead of a bowl.
  • Mix thoroughly to form lukewarm sudsy water. Soak the unclean hair brushes and combs in the warm, soapy water. Depending on the type of hair brush, the soaking duration and cleaning solution will vary.
  • Swish the hair brush around the bowl to remove debris.
  • Scrub between the bristles gently with a toothbrush. You can also massage the bristle tips with your palms.
  • Rinse the bristles thoroughly with warm water.
  • Remove excess moisture by patting it dry with a towel or napkin.
Note: Do not soak the hair brushes for a long time or use harsh detergents as the glue that holds the bristles might melt.
Note: Do not soak the hair brushes for a long time or use harsh detergents as the glue that holds the bristles might melt.

Our social channel: Baby & Mommy

SEE MORE: Tips And Hacks
5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know! Wed, 15 Nov 2023 09:14:47 +0000 5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!

1. Care For Your Eyes With The 20-20-20 Rule!

5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!
5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!

Do you stare at a computer, smartphone or laptop screen all day with no breaks? You’re putting yourself at risk of sustaining some serious eye damage. The constant strain on your eyes can produce eye fatigue. The Canadian Association of Optometrists suggests an oh-so-simple health hack to prevent serious damages: follow the 20-20-20 rule

Doctors recommend, “Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away.” See? Piece of cake.

2. Stuffy Nose No More, Use An Onion!

5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!
5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!

There’s nothing more aggravating in this world than a congested nose. Onions could help clear out all that horrible stuffiness. Simply cut raw onions and leave them on your nightstand when you sleep. Onions contain a compound called quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties that can clear out congested sinuses.

See More: 

3. Feeling Dizzy? Do This!

If you happen to be in bed and are experiencing some dizziness, place one foot on the ground below you. This is said to help your brain recalculate your position.

4. Cuss Loudly When You Get Hurt (Sorry, Mom!)

Research indicates that swearing can increase our pain tolerance and heart rate and decrease our pain perception as compared to non-swearing (7). So the next time you happen to fall down, don’t feel too guilty for dropping the F-bomb.

5. Been Having Issues Falling Asleep?

5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!

If you’ve been having trouble sleeping, follow this simple hack: blink rapidly for 60 seconds. This can allegedly tire your eyes and help you catch some shut-eye.

See More: 

Our social channel: Baby & Mommy

SEE MORE: Life Hacks, Tips & Tricks
10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean Wed, 08 Nov 2023 08:34:29 +0000 10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Do you ever clean your car, and then it’s messy again just a couple days later? Let’s checks these 10 Cleaning Hacks to keep your car clean.

Brush Dirt and Grime Out Using a Toothbrush

Removing dirt and grime between the seams is pretty easy if you’re using a toothbrush. Gently brush the dirt and you’ll have a mess-free car seat in a jiffy!

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Condition Your Dashboard with Vaseline

Vaseline works wonderfully at conditioning the dashboard and giving it a nice shine. It’s time-saving, effective and inexpensive.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Dust Your Vent with a Foam Craft Brush

Car air vents can get pretty dusty over time, but those narrow slots make it tough to clean with just a rag. If you need some extra reach, you can make a small sponge brush soaked with some cleaner and that will take care of the job.

10 Cleaning Hacks

Use a Microfiber Mitt to Clean Your Car

To have a lint-free and scratch free car washing experience, consider this microfiber mitt. It’s really handy and holds lots of water for cleaning your car.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Clean Your Windshield and Car Windows with Baby Wipes

Keep your windshield clean and clear by using baby wipes. One wipe surprisingly does a lot of work.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Fix Bad Smells in Your Car’s Air Conditioner with Lysol

If you want to get rid of all the bad smell coming from your air conditioner, then try spraying a Lysol into the air flow inlet. This will make your ride both more pleasant and popular.

10 Cleaning Hacks


Make Sure You Clean Your Windshield’s Interio

So you’re done cleaning your car’s outside, now let’s work on the interior. Improve your windshield visibility by using this microfiber glass wiper. It’s so much better to drive with a clear, undistracted view of everything.

10 Cleaning Hacks

Sprinkle Baking Soda on Your Seats Before Vacuuming

Step up your vacuuming technique with this humble yet super helpful hack. The baking soda can remove bad odors from your car carpets and upholstery.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Remove Car Stickers with a Hair Blower

While removing stickers isn’t as easy as putting them on, this hack will make your work less tiresome and sticky. Goodbye unwanted stickers!

10 Cleaning Hacks

Keep Silicone Liners in Your Cup Holders

10 Cleaning Hacks

Gunk and grime can easily get into your cup holders and nobody likes cleaning them out. But just using a couple of silicone liners can keep clean-up super fast and simple.

These tips are seriously time-saving and will help improve your in-car experience.

Our social channel: Baby & Mommy

SEE MORE: Quizzes and Games
Brilliant Hacks To Remove Odour From Your Fridge Sat, 20 Nov 2021 22:45:20 +0000 A bad-smelling fridge is enough to make us lose our appetite. If every time you open your fridge, you are hit by the smell of stale food that has been stocked up since the past two weeks, you may be left wondering how to remove the stink. Often, it takes a lot of time to discover what’s causing the stench – it may be spoiled food, a spill (especially on the bottom shelf), or mold behind the door, among others.

There are several organic and remedial ways to remove refrigerator smells, other than using artificial refrigerator deodorizing agents. Here are a few tips, mostly healthy, green and inexpensive, that can be helpful in getting your refrigerator clean, hygienic, and odorless:

1. Baking soda in a jar

I know that we’ve all heard that you should keep a box of baking soda in the fridge to keep odors at bay, right?  I also like to try this idea for even more odor-fighting effectiveness: put the baking soda in a shaker jar. I also like to put it in a cup and place it on the shelf in the fridge. That way there is more airflow as well! The more baking soda is exposed to the air both ways, allowing it to absorb more odors. If you want to go the extra mile, put a couple of drops of essential oils in the baking soda too! I like the citrusy smells the best.  Essential oils are a great way to boost the fresh smell to get the stink out!

2. Baking soda in a coffee filter

If you’re anything like me you need your coffee to wake me up in the morning! Coffee in the morning, coffee in the afternoon, coffee in your refrigerator?? Sure why not! There is another idea that involves coffee: you simply put some baking soda in a coffee filter, tie it up, and put it in your fridge. This was such a genius idea and so simple and convenient too! This allows for plenty of circulation and absorption of odors, too.


3. Charcoal

I personally love charcoal to get rid of toxins in your body! Why not use it for getting rid of stinky smelly refrigerator smells too?! Sure why not?! This idea was a new one for me but it might just do the trick for you! All you have to do is put a few briquettes in a bowl in the fridge or use one of these handy Fridge-It cubes to hold charcoal and hang it out of your way. 

4. Newspapers

Newspapers are great for reading but they also help absorb smelly odors as well! Remember that time your kid turned the switch off on the front of the deep freezer from our basement and we had no idea for days! Imagine the horrendous smell?? So when the power goes out or your son decides to turn off your freezer and food has gone bad in the fridge or freezer, it can take several days to get the stink out. In addition to the charcoal idea above, clear out all the food and stuff lots of newspapers inside. Repeat for a few days until the odors are gone.

5. Press ‘N Seal

So when you think of press and seal I am thinking of those sticky things that you place in the bottom of kitchen cabinets! There are so many other uses including in your fridge! This is just another genius trick to prevent smells by cleaning up messes FAST. It can make cleanup a breeze by applying Press ‘N Seal wrap to your refrigerator shelves. Have a spill or a mystery sticky substance? Just pull up the wrap and replace it.
