Our homes are adorned with a plethora of plants and flowers that not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also contribute positively to our well-being, mood, and the environment. Many of these botanical companions engage in photosynthesis, releasing carbon dioxide and absorbing excess humidity, playing a crucial role in maintaining a healthy indoor environment.
Among these floral residents, orchids stand out for their resilience and elegant, colorful flowers often featured in various events and ceremonies. Unbeknownst to many, there exists a lesser-known technique called the “sponge method” employed by seasoned nursery experts to ensure a thriving orchid.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to unveil this rejuvenation process:
Reviving a Dying Orchid:
- Clear away all dry or rotten parts from the seemingly lifeless plant.
- Extract the orchid from the soil and remove the bark and other dry components with sterilized scissors.
- Prioritize removing questionable parts, erring on the side of caution to allow the healthy segments to regenerate.
Cinnamon Seal:
- Apply cinnamon to cut areas to prevent the entry of fungi and bacteria.
- Let the plant rest for 48 hours on a sterile, dry surface.

Creating a Microclimate:
- Cut approximately 10 cm from the bottom of a plastic bottle, puncturing the base with 4 or 5 slits for drainage.
- Create a seedling bed within the bottle using moss, lichen, or a sterilized sponge.
- Insert the wet sponge into the bottle’s bottom after soaking it.
- Place the orchid in a plastic bag to create a microclimate that aids in refreshing and reviving the plant.
- Orchid: the sponge method
Providing Light and Observation:
Position the setup where the orchid receives ample light, avoiding direct sunlight for approximately 50 days.
Observe the plant closely for signs of revitalization.
After the designated period, observe the rejuvenation, marked by hard, green, and shiny leaves without mold or bacteria.
- Prepare a plastic pot with holes at the bottom, filling it with bark.
- Gently insert the orchid into the pot, being mindful of the roots.
- Gradually add more bark until the pot is filled.
- Mist the orchid using a vaporizer or spray bottle, avoiding direct contact with the leaves initially.
Future Growth:
Treat the plant like any other orchid, providing care and attention.
After three months, witness the orchid’s growth in leaves and roots, soon followed by envy-inducing flowers.Orchid: the sponge method
Embrace the sponge method, a well-guarded secret, to breathe new life into your orchid, ensuring vibrant blossoms and prolonged vitality.